
21 February 2021

The Rabbi's Back! Yeah, yeah! A Purim Special + VIDEO and tonight's worldwide prayer for the revelation of Mashiah

9 Adar 5781 - pray for the revelation of Mashiah tonight with World Jewry! See below.



Where is G-d in Megilat Esther?
by Rabbi Ephraim Sprecher | first posted here
...and an invitation to pray with World Jewry for the revelation of Mashiah tonight! See below!
The Rambam states in Hilchos Megilah, Chapter 2, Halacha 18, that all books of the Prophets and all of the Holy Writings will be cancelled in the Messianic Era except for Megilat Esther, which will exist forever like the Torah and the Talmud.
What’s even stranger is that Esther is the only book in TANACH without G-d’s name in it. Why is the only book in Holy Scripture (Ketuvim) so unique that it will be preserved for eternity even though it does not contain G-d’s name?
The answers are found in Megilat Esther 3:9, Haman says to Ahahuerus regarding the Jews: "If it please the king, let it be written that they be destroyed." The Midrash (Esther Rabba 7:13) adds: "Ahashuerus replied: 'You cannot prevail against them, since their G-d will not entirely forsake them. See what He did to the kings who preceded us and who laid hands upon them…Whoever comes against them to destroy them…is wiped out.'"
When Haman persisted, Ahashuerus said to him: "since you are so insistent, let us consult the wise men and the magicians." He thereupon convened all the wise men of the nations and asked them: "Is it your desire that we destroy the Jewish Nation?" They replied that it is too dangerous because G-d protects His children, the people of Israel; look what happened to Pharaoh and Sennacherib.
Haman then told them that G-d is now old and cannot do anything, since Nebuchadnezzar has already destroyed His city and burned His Holy Temple and exiled Israel and scattered them among the nations. They then came around to his opinion and agreed to destroy Israel, and they wrote letters and signed them for the Final Solution.
"There is nothing new under the sun" (Kohelet 1:9). This Midrash could have been written today. All we need to do is substitute Abu Mamzer and Hamas or Ayatola Kahmeni of Iran for Haman, and the UN for "all the wise men of the nations."
It should be noted that "the wise men of the nations" do not tell Ahashuerus not to destroy the Jews because it is immoral, only because it is too dangerous. When Haman tells them that the Jewish G-d is weak and unable to protect the Jews, they immediately agree to kill all of the Jews.
Perhaps the UN as a body does not want to destroy the State of Israel, but there is no question that many of its members want to harm the State of Israel if they think they can get away with it.
Like Haman and Hitler, Arab terrorists have been trying to destroy Israel even before there was a Jewish State in 1948. Who remembers the Hebron pogrom of 1929? An Arab mob, incited by Mufti Haj Amin El-Husseini, massacred Jewish men, women and children by hacking them to death. This was way before any "occupied territories" that Arabs use to justify their terror against us. With the help of G-d, we have built a vibrant and flourishing Jewish State which is a shining beacon of democracy in the turmoil of the murderous civil wars in the Middle East.
Israel is an oasis of goodness and light surrounded by a sea of savages and darkness. We shall persevere despite all of our enemies' intention to destroy us because "the Guardian of Israel neither slumbers nor sleeps" (Tehillim 121:4).
Why will Megilat Esther be read for all eternity? This is because the Megilah, more than any other book of TANACH, describes the miraculous story of the survival of G-d's Eternal People against all odds.
Thus, the Megilah is the only book in TANACH that does not contain G-d's Name. This is because G-d's hand is seen in every twist and turn of the story, demonstrating G-d's Providence in all aspects of life. The entire story of Megilat Esther is in fact all about G-d's Name!


Don't miss tonight's prayer with Jews all around the world! 18:00 tonight in Israel
17:00 Paris | 11AM US Eastern | 10AM US Central | 8AM Los Angeles | 22 FEB 2021 03:00 Australia
The prayer is the same on the two pictures below. Choose the one you can read better (Hebrew is on the second one).
I'm not promising that all the world's Jews will be there. Your presence counts, and that of your loved ones!

17 February 2021

More about Dr. Zelenko's protocol, from the doctor himself

light of 6 Adar 5781

Basically, I'm writing this post so that I, and those who share my concern with ever getting out of what I'm calling

 the "death-as-an-alternate-lifestyle" paradigm

(after a dream I had some 40 years ago, during the age of, and related to, HIV...) that the world has been stuck in, can get our minds free, to whatever extent we can, to focus on the future with HQB"H openly ruling the universe, beginning with geula shlemah and the revelation of Mashiah.

Near the top of the list is the need to assure ourselves that we're doing all we can to keep ourselves healthy without driving ourselves crazy. (At the top are derekh eretz, tefillah, teshuvah, tzedakah; and I could digress a lot with these.)

What that largely means, at least for me, is staying on a modification of the Zelenko Protocol on a prophylactic basis (meaning, to prevent me from getting sick). 

I don't know about you, but I don't want to go through the "cattle chute" of having no alternatives to a new, not-fully-tested vaccine to protect myself from Covid-19, particularly when there are safe and effective, proven alternatives such as the one in this post.

Fortunately, Dr. Z has come up with a list of suggested alternative items for the medicines HCQ and azithromycin, in case they're unavailable (whether by law set up just for the coronavirus crisis, or just plain unavailable) or our physicians won't prescribe them. His original protocol was not for prophylaxis, but for early outpatient treatment within 5 days of testing positive on a PCR test.

So far, the prophylaxis is working just fine for me, b"H.

Here is the prophylaxis protocol, stratified by age and risk level.

 I am considered high risk by any measure, and yet, by keeping to that level of the protocol, be"H, I'm managing to keep from catching "the virus" and keep my comorbidities under control (the alternative protocol, using available supplements, works well with my usual medication too). I am a firm believer in the maxim:

G-d has given the cure before the disease.

The point of all this is to keep us from getting the virus; but if we should have reason to be tested positive, to keep us out of the hospital while we recover.

This has meant a quercetin pill and a mug of green tea (for the EGCG - he prefers that we take a pill with that, but I haven't found one and it sounds expensive!), plus a zinc pill in the morning. I recently found out that by taking a gram of vitamin C with the above and not putting it off until afternoon (I use powdered ascorbic acid in a glass of sugar-free juice diluted with water), I can enhance the effectiveness of all the rest. I take extra C as needed (not nearly as much or as often as I was before I started using the protocol).

The zinc is the most important part. The other components help it do its job.

I take the green tea and quercetin together in the hope that this will create a synergistic effect (that both will work better together than they would if taken separately during the day) They are both zinc ionophores (transporting ions across cell membranes; in this case, escorting zinc into the lungs - more at Merriam Webster). 

(For this article I read that there are warnings about quercetin for pregnant women; so I looked up side effects that may come from that supplement. It looks to me as though that issue hasn't been examined; so, you might want to bring questions to your most qualified medical professional.)

Hydroxychloroquine is also a zinc ionophore, and it does even more than that.
(A list of additional benefits, possibly incomplete, is in this article. Also, you'll find out how early treatment prevents the 'long haul' side effects that often follow a bout with covid-19. You may want to search the page using the bolded terms above, or else scroll down, for them.)

 Avi Abelow has interviewed Dr. Zelenko twice during the ongoing coronavirus crisis so far: in April 2020 (8.5 minutes) and again in February 2021 (2 hours). In the second interview, the good doctor answers a ton of questions, some of them very pointed and harsh, concerning his protocol, his methodology, his current improvements and alternatives over the original protocol.

For more information, go to Dr. Zelenko's website, and may G-d bless you and keep you well!


I don't want to forget to mention that Israel is testing other wonder drugs for more severe cases of Covid-19. As I understand it, one of these drugs is going to be tested in Greece per a recent agreement. Watch this video!


 A reminder for all of us: Paying a lot of attention to our situation could make us miss important clues to our impending geula. Purim seems to be a great time for our final redemption to occur.

I want to find an adult-sized rabbit costume. In America, the symbolism would be equivalent to that of a guinea pig.

Meanwhile, take a look at how much the number 3 is involved this year, and its importance regarding G-d's plan for us and the world! 

Adar: The Triple Purim in the Year of 3...and more