
08 September 2023

"Why Hasn't Mashiah Come Yet?"

 22 Elul 5783 | כ"ב אלול ה'תשפ"ג


That's a question I'm always wondering about, too. But now, an answer that makes sense has finally been revealed!

Because generations of people have been so focused on when Mashiah will come, for such a long time, that...

...well, you'll have to watch R' Anava's video below to find out! 

Here's a hint: God is the One who sends His servant, Mashiah, to redeem the Jews and the world. He can do it right now, any day now, or He can delay until R' Anava (and perhaps others like him) think He will come. And anytime in between.

Today is the first anniversary of when I was let in to that secret, during my Shacharit (morning) prayer, last year. 

As for the cruise ship in the video picture, the Rav affirms about it; he will really be there. I am not going (I wish I could!), so if there is any chance someone who reads this blog goes, please let me know how it went for you!

Happy Jewish New Year 5784   !   שנה טובה ה'תשפ"ד