
31 July 2016

Free, Free Invaderstine!

26 Tammuz 5776

I believe that people who support the Palestinians (and the Arabs who keep them as they are) — especially the Jews among them — should really know and think about what they are saying when they yell out "Free, Free Palestine!" I could be wrong, but I imagine that most of these people have no idea who the Palestinians are, what the name they have adopted means and where it came from, and why on earth they are doing nothing to build a country they say they want, except trying to clear a particular country of its people, namely the Jews of Israel. I suspect the answer to this last question is this.

As my many gentle and intelligent readers might have anticipated, I titled this post as I did because we can see that in Hebrew the root of the name Palestine (פלש palash) does indeed mean invade — and here are some English synonyms. So, when you watch videos of massive crowds screaming the chant above, what they are really saying, whether they mean to or not, is Free The Invaders to make "Invaderstine" out of whatever territory they can penetrate and seize!

If any of you participate in protests like this, Heaven forbid, is this what you really want? Take a look at Europe (and my European readers, take a look around you; you likely don't need links since you can see for yourselves) — the Muslim overrunning of these countries is exactly what Invaderstine is, even though they do not call themselves Palestinians. The cry to free Palestine is the cry to unleash the pillage and plunder of Israel, but don't think the world will escape in the end. It is already seeing the results of their quest upon themselves even more than upon us. Perhaps you might want to reexamine the propaganda you have heard and seen about Israel. Many Arabs and Muslims have done so, and these are only a couple of examples; here are a couple of searches you may draw from.

Free, Free Invaderstine!

Here's some insight on what they say about themselves.


  1. There are only two kinds of 'jews' who participate and join with the enemies of Israel; they are either the Erev Rav (moreso the leadersip) or their useful idiots. They do not believe in the G-D of Israel, nor in Judaism, in general, nor have any common sense whatsoever and have only hate for righteousness and justice in their 'hearts(?)'.

  2. I just found an interesting explanation of the name "Palestine" at the following link on Elder of Ziyon:

    The name "Palestine" may be a literal Greek translation of Israel - and not so much derived from Philistines

    Snippet, quoting a source:

    "Startling as it may sound, I would argue that “Palestine” is the Greek equivalent of “Israel.”
    The word Palaistinê is remarkably similar to the Greek palaistês, meaning “wrestler,” “rival” or “adversary.”12 This similarity in spelling was noticed over 60 years ago by the German Bible scholar Martin Noth.13 He saw this as a reflection of a practice of transliterating oriental words into Greek words that were easy to pronounce, like referring to Beijing as Peking in English. Noth failed to develop his argument any further. But the similarity between Palaistinê and palaistês would seem to have a significance deeper than a mere transliteration.

    "The name Israel arose from the incident in which Jacob wrestled with an angel (Genesis 32-25–27). Jacob received the name Israel (Yisra’el in Hebrew) because he “wrestled (sarita’) with the Lord (El).” In the Septuagint, the Greek verb epalaien (he wrestled) is used to describe Jacob’s struggle with the stranger.14 The etymological similarity between epalaien and Palaistinê raises the possibility that Palaistinê may somehow be linked to the name Israel through this Biblical episode.

    "Jacob’s wrestling with the angel, which explained the origin of the name of the people and of the Land of Israel, would have struck a chord among Greeks who came into direct contact with Jews in the Near East at least as early as the sixth century B.C.E.15 Greeks, well versed in the epics of their heroes, would have been intrigued by the Biblical explanation of the name Israel, as transmitted to them by Jews, probably in anecdotal form and almost certainly in Aramaic, the most widely spoken tongue in the Near East during the early classical period.16 The central event of a wrestling contest by the ancestor of this Semitic people against a divine adversary is likely to have made a deep impression on them.

    "...The striking similarity between the Greek word for “wrestler” (palaistês) and the name Palaistinê—which share seven letters in a row, including a diphthong—is strong evidence of a connection between them. Adding to this the resemblance of Palaistinê to Peleshet, it would appear that the name Palestine was coined as a pun on Israel and the Land of the Philistines. In Greek eyes, the people of Israel were descendants of an eponymous hero who was a god wrestler (a palaistês); the name wrestler also puns on the name of a similar-sounding people of the area known locally as Peleshet."

    Elder concludes:

    "Apparently, the Greeks made a habit of translating place names rather than transliterating them...

    "And if true, it proves again that the only indigenous Palestinians are Jews."


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