
16 April 2024

The real miracle on 6 Nisan 5784 (April 14, 2024)

8 Nisan 5784 | ח' ניסן ה'תשפ"ד


Does anything seem wrong with the action in this video? Slow it down and see for yourself. H/t: Rivka


 Yes, there was an attack on Israel on the 6th of Nisan, two nights ago at this writing, by Iran, its first open full-on attack ever. And people are saying that there was a miracle that no Jews perished in Iran's attempt to wipe us out.

I agree that, indeed, there was a miracle. But I propose that it wasn't what people are thinking it was, as I'm writing. 

The attack was coordinated in advance between Israel and the US so that Israel wouldn't be hurt, which would have brought on an Israeli response that would have become a real war. This is why we are finding that the explosions in and around Israel that night didn't seem quite right to those who observed them carefully, both at the time they occurred and after the fact, even though they were quite real. 

But we have to ask the question of whether Iran is already prepared to attack again immediately, depending on if/how we respond.

So, what do you think the miracle was? you ask. 

The planning and the coordination of the 6th of Nisan attack, itself. The fact that HQB"H is so behind the scenes that He could put the thought into the minds of the plotters to perform a fake attack first, without them noticing. I think it would be the first time ever that a plot against the Jews would actually be hatched without the intention of hurting us! How amazing would that be?!

I wonder how they will respond to the thought, if they happen to read this article! I 'bless' all the plotters against Israel, that they will be as paranoid about their plans to rid the world of us as we've been about our victories and our right to our Land since at least 1967, and even more likely for the approximately two thousand years prior, since we were driven from here by the Romans.

R' Yitzchok Dovid Smith finished and published an article he's had in draft for years in response to this attack that probably explains all the wars in the Middle East since we've been here, never mind the recent fake attack from Iran. H/t: Neshama


As Iran situation ‘escalates’ to really really get our full attention, it’s time to publish this so you can keep your head and heart above the deception.

It’s about Israel’s nuclear weapons.

The actual intended end game is Israel’s surrender of its land and its nuclear weapons.

...whether we have nuclear weapons or not.

The attempt on our government's part to draw our attention away from our real problem for decades so that Israeli Jews would fear and stay afraid all our lives, and go along with their agenda — which doesn't seem to include taking back all the territory that was ours before the Romans kicked us out, never mind receiving from HQB"H the rest of our inheritance according to the covenant He has always had with the nation of Israel — is also part of it all. 

Not to mention, scaring many exiled Jews away from aliyah. On purpose, I will add.

My people, DO NOT SURRENDER, no matter how afraid and weak you feel you are, or we are.

They all — friends, frenemies, outright enemies and our government — forget one important factor: that we have a GOD. We need to give Him the credit for all our past victories, including this past one, and call upon him NOW for the next one as well!

I love you, haShem! Thank You for all the miracles, including this one and the ones to come!!!


More Reading/Watching

Accountability in war: Why is Israel held to account more than any other nation on earth? | R' Lapin: Clear open miracles - the 6th of Nissan | Strangling Israel slowly | A rabbinical opinion: Islam must recognize the State of Israel [even better, the Kingdom of Israel when it comes!] | India police arrest 2 Jewish women for tearing down pro-Hamas poster | Ben Gvir establishes police unit to remove [politically oppositional] provocateurs from Judea and Samaria -- it's about time! |

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