20 June 2024

The Shloshim of Rabbi Ephraim Avraham (Sprecher) ben Pesach Moshe and Rivka, ztz"l...

14 Siwan 5784 | י"ד סיון ה'תשפ"ד

...took place at the OU Center on Keren haYesod Street in Yerushalayim this past Monday 17 June, the 30th day after his passing on Shabbat Emor, hosted by his son Yoni Sprecher.

The hall where he once taught was packed with people from all over Israel. Relatives and friends woke up before 7am to watch from the United States on Zoom, from where this video was taken at 2pm Israel time.

Watch, and be blessed.


As his son Yoni said, others envied R' Sprecher because one can find his videos in many places. Some of them are:


More reading:

The Only Indigenous People |

1 comment:

Neshama said...

That was a very nice dedication to a favorite Rabbi of so many.

I also posted Abelow’s article, https://habayitah.blogspot.com/2024/06/avi-abelow-only-indigenous-people.html.
And then I received a bunch of feedback, which actually made terrific sense. You can read them here:

Case closed. The indigenous argument loses.

From a Torah perspective, the notion that we Jews have a claim to Eretz Yisrael based upon “indigenous rights” is absurd. We are not “indigenous” to Israel. Indigenous is a nonsense term which race obsessed multiculturalists use. Israel belongs to the Jewish nation, because G-d gave it to us. We conquered the Canaanites, and now it is ours. Our claim to Eretz Yisrael is Divine inheritance. Indigenous claims amount to pseudo-science, which in turn, would grant indigenous rights to practically every other minority group living in Israel today. In fact, this is the intention of many who advocate for such a concept.

Fellow Jews, leave the indigenous argument in the halls of the U.N. where it belongs. G-d gave us the land of Israel and that is enough.