23 July 2024

Respect! Why doesn't Israel receive it?

17 Tammuz 5784 | י"ז תמוז ה'תשפ"ד

May we have an easy and productive fast!


Click here to watch MK Dan Illouz on X.com speak in English to the international community about a Palestinian state.

I wrote most of this article on 15 Tammuz 5784, 21 July 2024. I believe it will be a day to remember, if the right things are done now.

Lots of people love to blame the current government, wherever they are in the world, for anything that's going wrong. This might be true in most countries, but here in Israel it's not any one particular government. It's the governance system. The same mistakes occur over and over and over, no matter which party or group of parties is in power. 

Someone, or many someones, outside our political system — and outside our country — must have been giving, and still be giving today, the same orders to both sides. 

Hopefully, as of now, we will begin to see a shift in policy regarding the Jewish people's continued return home to Eretz Yisrael.

We need to get our eyes off of whether Labor (recently changed to the Hebrew equivalent of "The Democrats" and merged with Meretz), or Likud, wins.  The whole system is wrong, whether borrowed or imposed from polluted sources, and will never get us anywhere. 

Which implies, if not actually states, that our governments have been selling us, the people of Israel, "down the river" the whole time. 

That would be traitorous, wouldn't it? 

And the results are in. It happened on 19 July:

The declaration on the part of the International Court of Justice (ICJ) that Judea and Samaria are off limits to the Jews and the State of Israel. (<<< download the PDF from the link)

How did one of the international courts attached to the United Nations suddenly get the message to publicly state, via an advisory opinion, that Judea and Samaria don't belong to the Jews at all?

That's aside from the fact that it's been called "the West Bank" for a long time, and not by its proper and legal name.

Was it pressure from the Arabs, from the United States, from the UN itself? This statement is not binding as law. However, it encourages agencies higher up to try to make it international law.

I say "try to" because there will be repercussions from any attempt to legally take away Jewish land from the Jews; I think that's why Britain, with impunity, unceremoniously lopped off what became Jordan from the Palestinian Mandate, which at that time referred ONLY TO LAND FOR THE JEWS. 

We haven't seen the open wrath of the All Mighty One in our favor in a very long time. Maybe now is the time?

It certainly wasn't from a recent study of the roots of the peoples of the Middle East in the Bible, where the answers are clearer and more proof of its truth shows up practically every day. And it wasn't from international law: See the Balfour Declaration and the San Remo Conference of 1920 (download PDF there, if you can). More about the San Remo Conference (search)

Now, to the point...

...is it possible that the governments of Israel, over decades, contributed to the impression that we were so subservient to "international bodies" that they felt they could just come and take away any recognition of Judea and Samaria as part of Israel? How did this signal get to them? 

Just perhaps, by our governments punishing and over-punishing Israel's own Jewish citizens just for living in these areas (this may be the only article to sympathize with Amiram Ben Uliel's plight, brought on by our courts accepting his confession under torture, online as I'm writing, from 2022, for example) more than those who live within the "Green Line," and all the ICJ did was put down the first step for higher courts to formalize?

(And this, just in on 17 Tammuz...our Supreme Court accepted an Palestinian Arab land claim near Hevron, where Abraham, Isaac and Jacob are buried along with (most of) the mothers of our people. How can we expect world legal bodies to have the respect our nation deserves when our government and legal "representatives" can't be bothered to set the example? I'm shaking my head over this masochistic behavior!)

Back to the international court...

Apparently...The ICJ cannot define "occupied Palestinian territory" — but it tries very hard. And, the EU deplores Israeli democracy. Especially when we disagree with them on whether or not we should let people live among us who want us dead and do their best to make it so.

And back to our official response...

We see that, finally, on 15 Tammuz 5784, 21 July 2024, that our Prime Minister, Binyamin Netanyahu, submitted a declaration rejecting the ICJ's ruling on "occupation." Four days prior, the Knesset voted, and established its position against, a Palestinian state

Good for you! No Israeli leader or influencer, whether politician, jurist, or advisor (much less a blogger), has any mandate to bow, or advocate bowing, to even the most overwhelming international pressure to give away the land most of the Jewish Bible (called the Tana"ch here) refers to!

(We should note here that the responsibilities and decisions of the Knesset have been under attack from other branches of our government for years, especially our judiciary branch. Are we so ignorant of what a real democracy is that we would ignore this issue?)

 ...and how do we show that we mean it?

I hope the rest of the Israeli government listens up. I believe our upper-level leadership has been part of the problem all along. If they don't take heed, they can't be part of our future.

(By "upper level," I'm referring to those who give orders, even having the temerity to dictate to the prime minister or president, providing that these are of sound mind in the first place. Advising the leader of your country is one thing, dictating to him is something else.)

At least since 1969 if memory serves (sorry, no internet then, thus no accessible link from here), radio shows in the United States and other places were still criticizing Jews for walking around and feeling at home in Judea and Samaria two years after the 6-Day War. Our enemies lost, and until now our government has never learned its lessons from that war, or any of the others where we were saved by "deus ex machina" as they might call it. 

Dear readers, you and I know better: God is real, and it is He who really won the war for us in 1967, and many others as well. Even our enemies admitted it then, and get frustrated now when it's obvious to them that God acts in our favor, even when many of us don't follow His ways. But our governments have not only been ungrateful, they actually attributed our victory in 1967, and those afterwards as well, to the greatness of our army!

"Give credit where credit is due" is one of the maxims of common decency, which translates to derekh eretz here.

So, let's not respond to the decrees of the nations, but rely on HQB"H.

I think it is better not to respond to whatever the nations say at all regarding our government's response. Certainly, neither we nor our government should not take out our feelings about their statements on the people of Israel, even if we don't agree on where Israel begins and ends. We have to wonder why, all of a sudden, our government is actually sticking up for the legitimacy of Judea and Samaria due to the direct attack by the ICJ. But the best response is no response at all. We can carry on without letting everyone in the world, including the media, know what we're doing, day to day. Who knows, it might save many of our lives that might otherwise be lost. Loose lips sink ships, after all, as was said during WWII.

 Democracy may (or may not) work in other parts of the world, but definitely not here. 

A family that is living here right now somewhere in this country holds the distant descendant of King David's unbroken male line, who is the heir to his throne. If he passes away, another will arise from that line; that's how we can say that Mashiah has been available, and could have come to Am Yisrael, in every generation. That's who Mashiah is, and his government will be the only truly legitimate one, recognized by all, here.

May we live to see it, with the love and help of God; let us all acknowledge Him.


More reading/viewing:

Israeli startup Wiz says NO to Google's $23B offer, will go public | Jerusalem College of Technology launches new options for North American students facing surges of antisemitism | Hague court invites 70 countries to object to Netanyahu, Gallant arrest warrants | Is Hamas ready to accept any deal? | Change Israel's approach to the ICJ | The UN's illegal occupation of Jerusalem | The Israeli defense establishment defies the government [to our detriment - HDG] | Big win for Israel | UNRWA was providing apartments for HAMAS to use and rent out | Did terrorist Hamas become a professional army under UNRWA's nose? | Atty. Jacques Gauthier to Israel: 'Never allow people to tell you you're trespassers' | 24/7/24: 102nd anniversary of the League of Nations' affirmation of Jewish self-determination (see article written in 2016) | Occupied Palestinian territory is reoccupied Jewish territory | The selling of Kamala Harris | What short memories Jews have! The state of French Jewry | EU foreign policy chief: 'Israel's legislation against UNRWA is nonsense' Above bolded articles are part of the evidence we found! | Netanyahu didn't lie on aid to Gaza. The "fact-checkers" did. | Our murdered children |