17 October 2024

Ding Dong! Yahya Sinwar's DEAD!

 Light of 16 Tishrei 5785 — Motza'ei Hag Succoth | אור ט"ז תשרי ה'תשפ"ה — מוצאי חג סוכות

I've read that Yahya Sinwar would go around disguised as a woman when he needed fresh air.
Have you read this too? Might he have looked like the Wicked Witch of the West?


 It doesn't mean the war is over, but it seems to be a positive sign, a clue from HQB"H that His will is that we ultimately win the war. 

Another is that we are making the demands now: We will give money and safe passage out of Gaza to those who hold our hostages WHEN THEY ARE RETURNED TO US SAFE AND SOUND. See where Bibi directly offers a deal in the link below, under More Reading.

Sinwar was killed yesterday, 16 October 2024, Erev Succoth, along with two others like himself; his body was found today. 

It's going viral now...I hope and pray that our redemption is right behind, if not "in front and I can't see it yet."

Hag Succoth Sameach ! חג סוכות שמח



More reading:

Hamas October 7 architect Yahya Sinwar killed in Rafah | IDFconfirms: Yahya Sinwar eliminated | Israeli defense establishment, president, ministers all confirm elimination of Hamas chief Yahya Sinwar | Bibi directly offers Gazans a deal for hostages [let's see if they take it] | Quds commander Esmail Qaani is alive and well and bawling | Netanyahu: 'This is the beginning of the day after Hamas in Gaza' | Israel eliminates Sinwar: Target killing as law enforcement |

10 October 2024

Finding Mashiach - the movie, and more

light of 9 Tishrei 5785 | אור 9 תשרי ה'תשפ"ה

 G'mar hatimah tovah v'gilui Mashiah l'kol Am Yisrael. 
May a good signing be completed and Mashiah revealed to all Am Yisrael.
גמר חתימה טובה וגילוי משיח לכל עם ישראל

I loved this movie, even with the things it doesn't say.

Note: The person who claims, or is claimed, to be Mashiah ben Davíd has to (my thought: at least begin to...) do certain things before he can be proclaimed to the world. Among them are setting up the new government (Sanhedrin, Cohanim and Levi'im), building the Beit haMiqdash (Holy Temple), and bringing back the Jews to their ancestral Homeland.

Not necessarily in that order, mind you. He must succeed at ALL these things and whatever else falls under his responsibility. 

Also, there will be no competition for the ruling of the world after he has been officially declared. Russia, the USA, Great Britain and any other nations and organizations that, after this declaration, still hold hopes that they will rule the world...I don't know what will happen to them.

What little I know makes me think that I don't want to look. It seems too scary to contemplate.

More viewing:

The game changer that transformed the war in Lebanon | The Jewish right to Palestine under international law |

05 October 2024

HaShem's wisdom shines above all: Part 2, one of the miracles!

Light of 4 Tishrei 5785 | אור ד' תשרי ה'תשפ"ה

Note: I got this post (the picture came with it, so I don't know whom to credit) from a geula (redemption-oriented) group near me. This is one story that came out of the Iranian ballistic missile attack that took place on Tuesday night Israel time, 1 October 2024. 

Its author, Hillel Fuld, is familiar to many as the brother of Ari Fuld, HY"D. I chose to link to a search, rather than to one site, to show his many sides.

I couldn't resist.



Amazing insight from Hillel Fuld: (Worth reading)

I really don’t think you understand the absolute miracles that we witnessed last night here in Israel.

In fact, I am sure you don’t.

Let’s break this down.

Israel has three air defense systems, each one of them a technological wonder and that’s not me saying it. That’s Dr. Gold who basically invented the Iron Dome who told me that. The level and sophistication of the Iron Dome is simply unparalleled.

But the Iron Dome only knows how to detonate short range rockets or missiles within a 70 km range, give or take.

Then Israel has the David’s Sling system. That knows how to deal with mid range missiles up to approximately 300 km.

Then we have the Arrow system that literally detonates missiles that can fly outside of the earth’s atmosphere. That has a range of about 2,400 km!! 🤯

Last night, as Iran rained down ballistic missiles on Israel, all three defense systems were activated and implemented to perfection.

The chances of all of these incredibly complex systems working in unison as flawlessly as they did last night, are basically non existent.

If one thing went wrong, if one of those ballistic missiles hit an apartment building, a shopping center, or an army base, we would now be burying hundreds of Israelis.

And all of that is not even the biggest miracle.

A few hours ago, I got a WhatsApp message from a good friend who is a senior executive at Microsoft and who wasn’t exactly a God fearing Jew. Until yesterday.

Here is what he wrote me.

“If you’re looking for miracles man - last night I started believing. Missiles hit all around me but none of them hit my house or any house, for that matter.”

He elaborated some more and shared info about the missiles that he watched land just meters away from very strategic places in Israel, to say the least.

Each one of those defense systems is, in and of itself, pretty miraculous, but what is even more insane is the low casualty numbers from the rockets and missiles that we’re NOT intercepted.

Where did those missiles go? I’ll tell you where. They landed in sand, in water, and in “Empty spaces”.

Have you been to Israel? It’s a microscopic country. What empty spaces? Where are these empty spaces? 🤷‍♂

How have hundreds of Iranian ballistic missiles all either get detonated by miraculous systems or totally miss their mark and land in empty spaces causing zero casualties and minimal damage?!  


Listen, I get it. This thought process begs the question, where was God during the horrible terrorist attack yesterday? Where was He on October 7th? Where was He during the holocaust?

All valid questions that require a very serious nuanced conversation.

But if you know anything about what had to happen last night and throughout this war in general, for such a low number of casualties, you’ll know that what we witnessed last night was the equivalent of God splitting the sea right before our eyes.

Guess what. When God split the sea, there were those who didn’t believe it was a miracle and didn’t jump in. And there are also those who feel the need to explain it naturally. Ok, that’s fine.

You don’t want to call yesterday an act of God? That’s your choice, but like my Microsoft friend, if you look at these events objectively, you’d have a really hard time seeing those hundreds of deadly missiles land in empty spaces and not see the hand of God.

Last night was an incredible display of the collaboration between two of the powers that protect the Jewish people: The IDF and Hashem.

Last night will go down in history right alongside many of Israel’s accomplishments in this war including the beepers and the unprecedented low ratio between combatant and civilian, as a military operation the likes of which the world has never seen. Ever!

Last night will be analyzed by military strategists and experts for generations.

Last night, we witnessed history.

Last night we witnessed open miracles.

Last night, we witnessed God in all His glory watching over His children.

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