10 October 2024

Finding Mashiach - the movie, and more

light of 9 Tishrei 5785 | אור 9 תשרי ה'תשפ"ה

 G'mar hatimah tovah v'gilui Mashiah l'kol Am Yisrael. 
May a good signing be completed and Mashiah revealed to all Am Yisrael.
גמר חתימה טובה וגילוי משיח לכל עם ישראל

I loved this movie, even with the things it doesn't say.

Note: The person who claims, or is claimed, to be Mashiah ben Davíd has to (my thought: at least begin to...) do certain things before he can be proclaimed to the world. Among them are setting up the new government (Sanhedrin, Cohanim and Levi'im), building the Beit haMiqdash (Holy Temple), and bringing back the Jews to their ancestral Homeland.

Not necessarily in that order, mind you. He must succeed at ALL these things and whatever else falls under his responsibility. 

Also, there will be no competition for the ruling of the world after he has been officially declared. Russia, the USA, Great Britain and any other nations and organizations that, after this declaration, still hold hopes that they will rule the world...I don't know what will happen to them.

What little I know makes me think that I don't want to look. It seems too scary to contemplate.

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