27 February 2020

Time Alone with HQB"H before the Final Redemption?

light of 3 Adar 5780


Many thanks to Yeranen Yaakov, who answered my question about where to find the primary texts presented for this post.

I've been looking around since the announcement of the Coronavirus CoViD-19 when it was confined to China until it was recently referred to as a pandemic, wondering what purpose HQB"H might have in bringing this upon the world.

A particular aspect of the situation lends itself to speculation on my part: Isolation. Whether the quarantine is forced on people who came from places known to be infected with it, or self-regulated, isolation can be a blessing as well as a curse. The pace of life has increased dramatically in the last couple of decades, leaving people little to no time to themselves. Besides that, many don't want to have time to contemplate where they've been and where they're headed. They're getting it anyway; if not now, then later. I suspect that most of the world will be locked down before much longer.

In any case, as I see it, it's here to give us time to think. Lots of time, in fact, too much time for a lot of people. What, are we all carriers of tzora'at? G-d seems to be giving those of us who want to avoid a highly contagious pneumonia-like disease (or worse) and who need some time off a break that should be welcome, but may not be — especially if, as I hear, this is a multi-phase virus that just keeps on giving. (no confirming links yet, so I don't believe it right now.) UPDATE 29 FEB 2020 after Shabbat: I just reviewed an interesting video on the topic that was given to me by Neshama of Going Home...To Yerushalayim. The gist of the answer to my question is: Consider the source: Apparently there was some news in Japan about being able to catch corona a second time, including some nasty things about China; they have a rivalry, so it's possible that they're spreading lashon hara. But some things make sense to the narrator, and around 20 minutes in, the medical analysis begins. You can read more here if you want to go deeper. Mainly, decide for yourself and try not to get exposed even the first time, never mind the second time.

I'm not one of them just yet but I'm thinking about whether I should ask about getting tested. Dear readers, do you realize that many people are walking around asymptomatically infected for nearly a month and don't even know it? I'm keeping an eye and an ear out for indications that people are not quarantined who should be. If you're a better informed Israeli, by all means, please comment!

One of the complicating things is the time of year as I'm writing. It is still the depth of winter for many; but closer to the equator the weather has begun to warm up, and also the tendency for temperatures to go up and down. This makes it more difficult to avoid regular colds and flu, never mind a pandemic (although you might be less vulnerable if you've had the flu already and have recovered completely).

Other bloggers have more info on the progress of the virus and possible prevention protocols than I; see Tomer Devorah (especially here) and Going Home...to Yerushalayim, especially here and here.

Others are more into the halachic aspects (such as Life in Israel), while others are closer to my focus, but in a wider way (End of Days/Years of Awe, Tomer Devorah here).

However, I believe I have the word from haShem concerning the mandate to isolate ourselves temporarily: Yeshaya/Isaiah 26:20 and following. Here is the search I did, which includes commentary from Rashi, Metzudat David, Malbim, Ibn Ezra and more illuminating texts.

[Notice here the Dragon (tanín, which has also been translated from Hebrew as crocodile) - a familiar symbol of the Far East, particularly China, especially the "snake with legs" aspect of the dragon symbol. -HDG]

More from Chabad on Isaiah 26 and 27 with Rashi.

In addition, we should consider the practical advice in this section from TB Bava Kamma 60b:

My only thought here is that we Jews must suffer separation from others and each other, and think about next steps once the danger is past. The Final Redemption is coming, at least so it seems. Those among us who have not believed it prior to now, and those who have actively opposed it, must reconsider their path. How each of us responds to this will be very important to how it will end — for us and for the whole world.

There is a lot more to say about the contexts of these passages and about how they may apply to us, but I'll stop here for now. Take care of yourselves, and pray hard, keeping the end in mind! סוף מעשה במחשבה תחילה