27 September 2021

What the promoted Covid-19 treatment protocol is doing to us...and the world

21 Tishrei 5782

...the right way


I am finding that the Covid-19 situation as has been presented by the Israeli Ministry of Health (and other health ministries around the world), and especially the sole solution to it, the experimental injection, to say the least, do not inspire public confidence. Here are some steps that could have been taken, but weren't, so far, that would have actually saved lives and the public trust at the same time. 

I'll start off with one simple "test" that my communication research professor would have flunked them on from the beginning.

1. Define "unvaccinated" properly. And I'm not the only one who thinks so. Let's keep it simple:  Don't violate the face validity test(1). To most people, "unvaccinated" means, to put it in the Covid-19 vernacular, "never got the jab." Once vaccinated with the first jab, it is impossible to throw them back into the unvaccinated category without violating face validity and confusing millions of readers around the world. There can't be only "fully vaccinated" and "unvaccinated." This is the test all of the pharmaceutical companies and their researchers failed, over and over again, explaining the pushback against the vaccine. It just doesn't add up.

I suggest that we...

2a. Separate out groups properly. It may take more work, but don't put people who have been jabbed, even only once, in the group of the totally unvaccinated. Don't keep throwing the ones who have failed to keep up with the vaccination schedule, or just couldn't do it anymore for whatever reason, into the same box with those whose bodies have not been exposed to the experimental substance. It simply is not valid to do so. We may need three or more groups (one for each jab?) to properly clarify who is who, and what is what.

2b. Separate out those who had bad reactions from everyone else. This is an important group, not to be ignored.  Like mushrooms after rain, websites featuring vaccine injuries and death testimonies have popped up. You will see links to some of them below. 

And we have to apply the same rules that letters to the editor of a newspaper used to have: One submitted report equals x number of people who have a similar one. I don't know how many that comes to, considering all the confusion around the various reporting databases such as VAERS. But it must be a lot, lot more than the comparatively small number (I don't remember what that was, exactly) that it was before chatrooms, blogs and other online feedback-soliciting forums.

This should clarify matters between people and result in better, more truthful statistics, if allowed to take place. We will hear no longer the phrase "pandemic of the unvaccinated" and be confused by this term. And we might actually come to understand what is really driving the pandemic.

By the way: WHO European Advisory Group of Experts in Immunization former Vice President Professor Christian Perronne said on 16 August 2021 that all vaccinated people must quarantine over the winter months or risk serious illness, and that unvaccinated people are NOT dangerous, citing Israel's recent experience with the Delta variant. Watch him on video HERE. You'll see, no typos here. 

In addition to that, a WHO insider blew the whistle on GAVI, the Vaccine Alliance and Bill Gates, its founder. Watch the video here.

3. Do you think it might be a good idea to test serologically for those who remain unvaccinated before attempting to vaccinate them? Well over 6M Israelis are vaxxed at least once; so it wouldn't cost Pfizer nearly as much to do this one thing right (my doctor was actually more concerned over the cost to Pfizer than about my concerns! And I wonder whether there are doctors resisting the pressure to be that way if this one doesn't "do teshuva."). It would save a lot of lives and illness if people with evidence of COVID survival were not vaxxed too.

4. Most important of all: The rules of science and other disciplines (such as the whole validity and reliability part of what should be part of every study) are based on the search for the truth behind all the things we study. G-d created truth, and also lies, so that we could choose between them. 

Unfortunately, many people who learn these rules also derive, or are taught, whether in school or by their employers, how to get around them and ignore them as well. We, the intended subjects in this global experiment, must beware.

There's even more HERE.


While I was writing this post, I asked haShem and myself...

...where is the Israeli People's Committee, the group that was putting out all kinds of Covid-19 information in Israel NOW that we need them? 

I have good news. They have been gathering testimonies for what has been happening with vaccinated people. Not all, but a lot of them, many more than have given their stories for video. Contact the IPC here.

Also, the Professional Ethics Front (Facebook only, it seems; I'm not on it, so I can't say for certain) might be good backup guidance for knowing what is ethical and what is not. They helped the IPC with the following video...

The Testimonies Project: In Hebrew with עברית or English subtitles, just over an hour and 5 minutes. (Tip: You can also watch by segment by scrolling down when you get there. Much shorter that way for each issue.)

Other interesting sites concerning the vaccine effort are: C19 Vax Reactions  | No More Silence  | Vax Longhaulers  |  A Twitter channel re: the basic Pfizer purchase agreement |

(Many thanks to YB and RRL for the above information.)

I would like to add that, just as in the past we believed children and women who testified to being abused, all the more reason we should believe people who were injured after being inoculated with the Covid-19 "vaccines." Especially after seeing the videos of those who allowed themselves to be on camera. 

The medical profession needs to take it on itself to acknowledge their reality, investigate, come to valid conclusions and find effective, helpful medicines, and help these people. Now.

Or else...

Expect a lawsuit like this one. (The document also contains a lot of information about normal vaccine development as opposed to this one, as part of the information-gathering process. I think it prudent to wait for the trial to get underway before commenting on the information presented.)

(Official Israel, wake up!!! ישראל, התעוררו)

In addition, Avi Abelow reports: Israeli Officials Totally Deflect & Spin Recent FDA Booster Shot Decision


(1) About face validity

...face validity offers a quick way to provide feedback on a test, questionnaire, or exam that doesn’t appear to measure the thing that it sets out to measure.

If a test does have face validity, we would likely go on to verify that it has more rigorous forms of validity like criterion validity, content validity, etc.

 Which means that if it doesn't measure what it's supposed to, then we don't have to go further. I fully expect this whole "process" to stop dead soon, as the full truth comes out...

And I wonder whether this is the real "Gog and Magog" war, this being the part where the peoples behind the Esavian philosophy are in charge.

The big shame of it all is that all the people who are now disabled from the shot(s) they took because they weren't "antivaxxers" (and still aren't, by the way) and they wanted to do their part  to stop the pandemic, are being shamed, figuratively locked away unseen, unheard and ignored. Is this any way to treat people???

I am afraid Israel will do the same because, despite its image as the first to offer its entire population to the experiment, it follows lockstep behind America.

We are to trust in G-d alone, and we'll have to, in the end. 

Hashem created "regeneration" after all (possibly even of the heart). What a surprise!


Regarding face validity, here's some more information from the book I studied with when I was in college, "in the dark ages"...published in 2000:

Establishing face validity involves simply looking at the operational indicators of a concept and deciding whether or not, on the face of it, the indicators make sense. The indicators might be items on an opinion survey or they might be tests of knowledge and ability.

— Bernard, H. Russell, Social Research Methods: Qualitative and Quantitative Approaches, Sage Publications, Inc., Thousand Oaks, London, and New Delhi, 2000, p. 49.

The question of "who is to be considered vaccinated" could be considered such an operational indicator — indicating to me that the powers-that-should-not-be are treating the Covid-19 vaccines as a matter of opinion, rather than a real medical problem to be solved. After all, they've already changed the definition three times over the nine months so far of 2021 for the general public, even excluding those who have already taken shots. How valid does that look to the average reader?

I could go on to cover the other three kinds of validity as well; both the site and the book define all of them, and much, much more. Research of all kinds is a serious business. And I'm not the most experienced researcher, by any means. But even I know that something smells rotten in Washington, DC; Brussels, and even Jerusalem. 


And finally, eight (8) hours of video about the FDA meeting with the Vaccines and Related Biological Products Advisory Committee from 17 September 2021...you can start where this video where others put it (and I did too), or you can watch the entire video if you want.

Since it seems I'm not allowed to post the video, I'll put a link here. There are many other videos at the YT site on this and related topics.


Here is a sample of other sources for what's going on right now.

Reuters Covid-19 Tracker: Israel | Preprint: Correlation of SARS-CoV-2 Breakthrough Infections to Time-from-vaccine; Preliminary Study (NOTE: a preprint is not yet, or may not ever be, published.) | Israel: Vaccination blunts, but does not defeat Delta | It's time to get real | More research and alternatives | Hashem created "regeneration" | The FDA's Clinical Failure | Off-topic: Why Oslo Still Rules by Caroline Glick (while we're distracted by Covid, other things are going on.) | 

To the Jews of the world: I hope you had a wonderful, happy Succoth, and are having a happy Hoshana Rabbah today, and will have a Shemini Atzereth and Simchath Torah to come!


14 September 2021

Yom Kippur – An Out of Body Experience! (Rabbi Sprecher)

 the light of Erev Yom haKippurim 5781 | אור ערב יום הכיפורים ה"תשפ"ב


Yom Kippur – An Out of Body Experience!

by Rabbi Ephraim Sprecher
The last Mishna in Taanit states, “There is no more joyous festival for Israel than Yom Kippur.” Yet, Yom Kippur is also the most solemn day of the Jewish year; and it is also the strangest day because it seems to negate all that makes us human. For that one day we step out of ourselves and have an Out of Body Experience. We are no longer part of this world as we know it. Denying our bodies the physical pleasure of food and drink, marital relations, bathing, anointing, and wearing leather shoes, we act as if the normal impulses that make us human no longer exist. It is as if we have slipped out of physical life into immortality. On Yom Kippur we become virtual angels.

This is what the Rabbis were telling us by explaining why Yom Kippur is the only time when we recite aloud, “Boruch Shem Kevod Malchuto L'Olam Vaed” in the recitation of the Shema. Where did “Boruch Shem Kevod Malchuto…” originate?

When Moshe went up to Heaven to receive the Torah, he overheard the angels praising G-d with these words. When he returned to earth, he instructed the Jews concerning all the Mitzvot that he had received, and he also taught them this sentence of praise. But Moshe said to the Jews, “All the Torah and Mitzvot I have given you, I received openly and directly from G-d; but this verse is something that I overheard the angels say when they praise G-d. I stole it from the angels; therefore, say it in a whisper.”

The Midrash in Devarim Rabba continues, “It may be likened to someone who stole a diamond and gave it to his daughter. The thief tells his daughter, ‘All that I have given you, you may wear in public except this stolen diamond. Wear it only indoors.’” The Midrash then continues, “Why is Boruch Shem Kevod said aloud on Yom Kippur? Because then we are like angels, and we have nothing to hide on that day.”

The rest of the year we are not angels — far from it. We have human needs and desires. We have impulses that lead us to sin and transgression as well as the ability to channel these impulses through Torah and Mitzvot. We all sin in word, thought and deed. We are indeed human. The beauty of Judaism is that it recognizes our physical and material needs and our impulses and desires. Judaism does not seek to deny them, but rather to regulate, channel and control them.

Judaism is not about self-denial. The denial of the body is not praised or required. The pleasure of eating and drinking is a Mitzvah - for example Shabbat and Yom Tov feasts and the Seudat Mitzvah which is obligatory for a Bris, Bar Mitzvah, Wedding or Siyum of a Tractate. The act of eating and drinking is also controlled and regulated by the Halachot of Kashrut. Physical desires are considered normal and positive; but they, too, are controlled and regulated by the Halachot of marriage and family purity laws.

So too is the desire for wealth. We are not commanded to live lives of poverty; but we must share what we have with the poor and needy through the acts of Tzedakah and to acquire our wealth honestly. We know that we are not without sin, and for this reason G-d gave us this most precious gift of Teshuva on Yom Kippur.

On Yom Kippur, we are given a taste of eternity, an experience of something other-worldly. We are like the angels, or as close to it as human beings can get. When all of our physical needs and desires are denied, we have a day when we can concentrate solely on spiritual matters. Yom Kippur is the day of the soul.

The Torah states in Vayikra 23, “On Yom Kippur V'INITEM ET NAFSHOTECHEM.” This is usually translated as, “You shall afflict your souls.” However, RAMCHAL points out that on Yom Kippur our souls are not afflicted, only our bodies are afflicted. Therefore the word, V'INITEM, is related to the word in Devarim 26 concerning the Mitzvah of Bikurim (the first fruits) ‘V'ANITA…’ when you bring the first fruits to the Holy Temple. Abarbanel states that the word, V'ANITA, in that verse means that the farmer has to sing to G-d when he brings his Bikurim.

Thus, in the context of Yom Kippur, the phrase ‘V'INITEM ET NAFSHOTECHEM’ can also mean, “You shall allow your souls to sing.” You shall free your soul of all its bodily needs and desires and dedicate Yom Kippur to your soul and to G-d.

Within the comforting, loving embrace of G-d Who forgives us on Yom Kippur, our bodily needs become superfluous, as our souls take over our bodies, singing to G-d. Yom Kippur is a unique opportunity for every Jew to receive a new beginning in life, a second chance. That's why the Talmud in Taanit tells us that G-d gave us the Second Luchot (Tablets) on Yom Kippur, symbolizing that G-d always gives us a second chance.

On Yom Kippur the day belongs to the soul as our physical needs are eliminated. The soul, freed of its physical bonds, can now soar, ascending to the highest level of Kedusha, where it can express its deepest feeling and emotion. On Yom Kippur we become like angels, devoting ourselves exclusively to singing the praises of G-d.

At the closing of Yom Kippur, we experience an incredible inner joy when we move beyond consciousness of hunger into a feeling of relief and renewed strength. Yom Kippur ends with that magnificent Shofar blast — the Shofar that once proclaimed liberty for all the Hebrew slaves on the Yom Kippur of the Yovel year.

That Shofar blast now also proclaims liberty from sin for all of us and freedom from all that enslaves the mind and the body. This Shofar blast symbolizes the ability of a Jew to rise above material and physical desires, freeing the soul to unite and bond with G-d.
May you have a good signing, with all the people of Israel | במר חתימה טובה, בתוך שאר כל עם ישראל

03 September 2021

How do we know when Mashiah is here?

 26 Elul 5781 | כ"ו אלול ה"תשפ"א

Shabbat shalom u'shana tovah ! שבת שלום ושנה טובה | Ketivah weh'hatimah tovah ! כתיבה וחתימה טובה


Myrtle Rising has a recent post about the Unknowable Beginning...which might explain, or somehow otherwise blend in with, a concept in R' Mendel Kessin's video below. 

Scientists are Documenting the Keter d'Reisha d'Lo Ityada—Only They Don't Know It

Enjoy them both!

כתר דרישא דלא אתידע

(h/t SG for the videos)


May our government do teshuva or be replaced by one that will do G-d's will!