13 May 2024

Yes, it's a change of climate. The question is: WHAT KIND?

5 Iyyar 5784 | ה' אייר ה'תשפ"ד

Yom haZiqaron, observed | יום הזיכרון, נערך



I have learned from many sources, as I'm sure many of you have as well, that when evil is fully revealed, it is a signal, one of many, that it's time to look for the redemption promised by God. It will be because of a general political and social "climate change," and not for the better.

That means (or at least, implies) that we will see evil openly practiced, without legal consequence or jail terms set and served by a legitimate court, and its system, that has serious proceedings. It's called lawlessness. It has been prophesied that the end would come when even governments would recognize law only if it suited them. Possibly, even worse, "the law" will be made to even permit evil to supersede good (see NYC-proposed law 2.13 search, (allowing the state to seize citizens for no good reason. It's a highly controversial topic as of this writing.) If you're from New York, you may want to send a message to your state senator and assembly member about a similar NY bill, A6761/S8352.

UPDATE: NY A6761/S8352 is NOW DEAD as of 15/5/2024.

I leave it to you, dear reader, to determine whether we have come to that fork in the road, that place in time, or not. The truth is, too much is going on and it's too soon to determine the outcome.


Back home: We here in Israel do not seek to get away with things that are truly criminal, but usually proceedings against Israel prevent her from exercising commonly allowed practices indicating sovereignty, as other nations do. This has been going on for a long time, especially in the United Nations. 

Here's what was rumored to be going on when I first started writing this post, starring Karim Khan, chief prosecutor of the International Criminal Court: (H/t to Jewish Press)


Caroline Glick wrote this: Now is the Time for Choosing


Consider the news from the International Criminal Court at The Hague. Israel is not a member of the ICC. But to seize jurisdiction over Israel, the ICC took the legally dubious step of accepting “Palestine” as a member state. Since Oct. 7, the Palestinian Authority has deluged the ICC with war crimes complaints against Israel, even though they lack evidentiary basis. But they are supported politically by a slew of anti-Israel NGOs, and the U.N.’s institutionally anti-Semitic governing apparatus and agencies.

Early this week, rumors began to swirl that ICC chief prosecutor Karim Khan is poised to act on these groundless complaints and issue international arrest warrants against Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, Defense Minister Yoav Gallant and Lt. Gen. Herzi Halevi, chief of staff of the Israel Defense Forces. If Khan proceeds as reported, Israel’s top leaders will be unable to visit any of the ICC’s 120 member nations without first securing bilateral agreements with authorities in each country not to arrest them during their stay.

This is terrible in and of itself, of course. But the wider implication is even more dire. If Khan goes through with his plan, he will essentially declare Israel a criminal state with no right to self-defense.

Given that Israel is in the midst of a terrible war for its national survival, by denying Israel the right to self-defense, the ICC will deny Israel the right to continue to exist. Moreover, the ICC will have made it the position of the international community that the Jewish state must be destroyed.


While I was drafting this post, it was still a rumor...since then, on 28 April (during Pessah), Ms. Glick posted a video update (almost an hour long) that suggests it's become more than that.  

More updates, to ascertain the outcome.


 It seems as though Israel will ultimately be labeled a criminal country, to be destroyed (see search). This video describes some of the process we are currently undergoing, the result of many years of work, war, and wearing us down on our enemies' part.

It may or may not have to do with Karim Khan. Melanie Phillips wrote in An arresting story that he is an unlikely person to do this at all:


...none of this fits with the known attitude of Khan himself. A British lawyer and an extremely cautious individual, he is also an Ahmadi Muslim. Ahmadis are themselves victims of persecution and oppression within the Islamic world where other Muslims consider them to be heretics. He is hardly likely to be a Hamas groupie...

Khan, who became the ICC prosecutor in 2021, is undoubtedly keenly aware of the ICC’s deeply damaged reputation as a court owing more to international power politics than to the rule of law, and which was all but wrecked by his two incompetent and deeply partisan predecessors in the post. 

While the current investigation into possible abuses in Gaza and the disputed “West Bank” territories of Judea and Samaria dates back to 2014 and has been marked by a number of malign moves against Israel, Khan will be acutely concerned to repair the ICC’s reputation as an impartial and fair court of law.


 This is very possibly how prophecy will be fulfilled: The whole world, sent possibly by the ICC or some other agency, will come to destroy us, as they command...but none of these have read their favored source of His Holy Word for a very long time. So, they may not realize they're playing into H's hand. Shhh! 😉


Another issue in the "climate change" being discussed here is raised by Sheri Oz concerning how the Israeli public is being worked on to leave us without focus on support for proper goals for the war. She asks why only certain voices are being promoted heavily, and others, not so much or not at all; three videos are presented as examples of what she's writing about.

Supposedly, the hostages' families are important; one would think that the different views they hold would be important. But you might detect, if you read this article and listen to the videos, a certain discrimination among the voices, in a certain direction.


The "usual" kind of climate change occurred to me earlier this year as well, so I present my question here:

Spring began coming early this year, like the middle of February from where I sit. Are people (especially weather professionals) noticing anything about the sun's path possibly changing too? Will we have a hot summer in the north and a cold winter in the south come June-July-August-September, or will we have a more moderate weather pattern all over the world...and how long will that last? 

As of posting, it's still going on in mid-May here, from where I sit, which is a very limited area. I'm not a weather expert, so I don't know — and that's why I'm asking questions about what I think I'm observing.

A progression like this might be an indication that something more significant is happening than a "man-made" climate change. It might be slowly taking over, if the Creator is having mercy on us.


 A theme I would like to pursue more often is the idea that freedom and equality are secondary compared to common decency ("derekh eretz" דרך ארץ in Hebrew - it's a keyword on my sidebar. 👉). In order for freedom and equality to have life-enhancing meaning, they need common decency as an underlying factor for all law and order. 

Why? Because these are not only crazy times, but also the prelude to the time of geulah; and in order to survive it, I believe, we will all need to adjust our notions of what common decency is, after all that multiculturalism, diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI;  BTW: I think it's so funny that this acronym is the Latin word for God!) and critical race theory (CRT) have contributed to its lack. Ironically, they were supposed to equalize people's behavior toward each other; but instead, they only made things worse by reversing the roles played by each culture/race in the past.

It would seem that the more Jews in Israel try to appease the anger of the nations in our immediate area, the worse the hatred gets. We all might benefit from reading this post, an attempt to understand why we must defy the world and crush the hopes of the Arabs who have called themselves Palestinians only since the mid nineteen sixties CE.

 Even better yet, we should all be praying for the coming of the first King of Israel in a couple thousand years! (Hint: this is another way of referring to Mashiah.) Do you really think that the nations will let Israel win this war, as we are now?

My prayer, in addition, is that we citizens of Israel will investigate the benefits to be had by a properly Biblical kingdom so that we will be informed properly, thus be more likely to consent to it. 

We have been gaslighted into thinking this would be a bad thing for a very extended period of time! If my experience is normative on this issue, it will be difficult to find a good source of information on the internet. I think we will just have to study the laws from our Tana"ch, and learn the lessons from previous iterations so that we don't repeat them.


More reading & viewing. I held on to this post for at least 2 weeks before posting. Here we go:

Adam Rubin (son of Jerry Rubin): This is definitely not my dad's antiwar protestYou don't have to be Jewish to be a Zionist: October 7's Bedouin heroes | Now you see how it feels to be on the other side of the protest | Research reveals: UNRWA must be disbanded with immediate effect, here's why | Rex Murphy, National Post: Hatred of Israel is the great moral disorder of our timePodhoretz: Biden's shameful betrayal | Douglas Murray: I witnessed Israel choosing life as it fights against a death cult | More updates on PM Benjamin Netanyahu's teshuvah HERE | David Weinberg: Israel needs a strong spine | HDG wishes!: Israel declares independence from Biden (too late for Truman) |

VIDEOS: Avi Abelow: Stop screaming. Do something!  Stop communicating weakness  "Go back to Poland" screamed at Jews...NO! COME HOME to JUDEA!!! After October 7th: "I'm now a Jew first and an American second" | Tzvi and Frank: "The Conceptsia": Why has the IDF not had one decisive victory since 1973? | Laughing out loud: Jewish comedian Yechiel Jacobs responds to anti-Israel video... |


Neshama said...

I got this far when I needed to comment: "sun's path possibly changing..." I don't think the Sun is changing; morelikely it is we, on the ship of Earth, that is changing. The Sun is a member of the greater galaxy, spaced and timed relationately precisely. But, then, this might only be an ego-centric idea of mine :-).

Springtime does begin in February, with the bright red poppy type flowers [https://www.dreamstime.com/spring-flowering-red-flowers-anemones-green-meadows-southern-israel-poppy-national-flower-image174215218]

Personally, I find the weather in April and May to be too cold and wet for a LATE Springtime. After all this was a leap year, pushing the spring and summer later in the year. Didn't you notice that?

You wrote this before learning that the Galilee is preparing to seccede from the State of Israel, and declare itself the State of Galilee! How's that for a shocker?
But then, Sanhedrin 97a does make mention of something like that:

h/t Esser Agaroth:
"Babylonian Talmud, Sanhedrin 97a
It was taught, Rabbi Yehudah said: In the generation when the son of David comes, the house of assembly will be for harlots, the Galilee will be in ruins, Gablan will lie desolate, the residents from the border towns will wander about from city to city, receiving no comfort (hospitality), the wisdom of scribes will be in disfavor, God-fearing men will be despised, people will be dog-faced, and the truth will be absent, as it is said, "And the truth is absent, and he who withdraws from evil makes himself prey." (Isaiah 59:15)"

D Day = Yom Atzmauth! (Sic!)

What about the Negev getting inspired to do the same?

Isn't this Dejavu!

Anonymous said...

Reading about the int'l court, it makes me almost laugh @ the chutzpah of evil. These same european countries were all complicit in the murder of surely 7 million, not 6 million Jews just 80+ years ago, and they have no shame and want to 'judge' the Jewish people now and yet on such false charges. Evil truly has no shame.
We are surely at the keitz of the keitz hayamim, we pray.
The world has turned so dark with evil insanity. We pray and have to cry out now to Hashem to hasten geula even moreso but with great Rachamim on every Jewish neshama.


HDG, Yerushalayim, E"Y Shlemah said...

Neshama, thanks so much for the analysis on my penultimate section! ;-)

You got pretty far; only one more to go!


Tzadok, thanks so much. I thought it was ironic too.