10 February 2025

Now, it's time to think about The Kingdom!

12 Shevat 5785 | י"ב שבט ה'תשפ"ה

No such thing as Palestinians?

Dear Fellow Israeli,

Now that you're seeing our government in action during the crisis of a lifetime, what do you think of it? Many of you think of democratic governments in a different way than I and others like me, as former Americans, do. Not that I'm proud of that, by the way. I have seen how much negative influence the USA has had on Israel, especially during the last 30 years or more. And newly-re-elected President Trump, despite his intentions, whether for good or for bad, will not be able to complete the job he intends. 

It's not his, or America's, to do, but ours. Israel's. Guided by God. HaQadosh Baruch Hu, whose name we do not pronounce.

I tend to think of a democratic government as made up of three parts that were designed with equal powers that don't conflict with one another (called "checks and balances"): the executive, legislative, and judicial.

I was about to say that the military isn't part of this system; however, that's not entirely true. The President, who has about 5 million people working for him according to the Harry S Truman Presidential Library and Museum, is the Commander-in-Chief of the armed forces (which isn't stated that way there. The quote at the other end of the Executive Branch link immediately before these words between parentheses is "leads our nation in times of war." Wikipedia states it clearly, under "Chain of Command.") in addition to his other presidential duties.

Here's an even easier way to explain the three-branched American democratic system, if the one above confuses you.

 I suspect that about now you're thinking that I intend to advocate a closer adherence to the American system. No, I do not; look up at the title again. Rather, the opposite. America, for her role in how we're getting our hostages back from the depths of Gaza at the possible cost of many, many innocent Israeli citizens' lives — especially Jewish ones — due to the many proven murderers we have complied with greater powers than us to release — directly into the population yet — to get them, is going to pay. Big Time. 

(Although, I have noticed that some of those released prisoners who were guilty of actual murder have gone immediately back to terrorism, with intent to murder again — another word for this is "recidivism" — have been eliminated as a result. That helps, somewhat. Would that all of them had died before they could be released.)

And that's not the only time this has happened. I was here visiting during the process of the expulsion of Jews from Gush Katif, which was in Gaza, back in 2005. You may remember what happened to America on the heels of her arm-twisting then: the great flood of New Orleans. That was water-based; what is happening because of the price America is forcing from us this time is fire-based. See Los Angeles.

Does this look or sound familiar?

And there are many other things, between 1967, when America accepted Israel and began supporting her with a full heart (or so it seemed), and when she decided that she must aim to control Israel instead...or, maybe, intended all along. That might have been around 1975, when our neighbors started to speak with people in the American government about keeping us down. I cannot find it on the internet now; it's possible that it was just in a paper magazine (which was all we had in 1975, if I remember correctly.).

I see too many comments from people on news sites like Arutz 7 and Jerusalem Post looking forward to "the next election." Please, my fellow Israeli Jews, look around you. I also hear complaints about the judicial system, the police, the huge difference between how people "behind the Green Line" and "the settlers" in front of it are treated. But, contrary to the perception from outside, a majority of Israelis recently polled have come around to the idea of taking sovereignty over Judea, Samaria and the Jordan Valley. If a referendum is called on the current system, a similar response, if not greater, is absolutely called for.

The corruption within the system stinks to high heaven, everyone knows it, but we're still looking forward to elections? It's not as though we have no alternative.

In every generation there has been someone designated Mashiah — the son-after-son scion of King David, from him down to our own day — but we have not been worthy, has v'shalom.

There's a whole system under the Kingdom too, but it won't be like the other kingdoms of the earth, most of which are figureheads and not real royalty.

And if, when it becomes revealed who Mashiah is, few will believe it, because of his reputation, and because of the severe charges that were laid against him prior to the revelation...please remember the corrupt government system we have now. No exception was made in this case. In fact, it was overemphasized. 

This system, with its servants, does not want to be replaced. But it must be, if we want to WIN THE WAR.

The first thing we need to do is call for a public trial for all those elite military officers, and those above them, who were responsible for allowing the Simchat Torah Massacre (aka "October Seventh" among other names) to occur without opposition for a long period of time before responding!

P.S. Israel Realtime, this evening, 19:50/7:50 PM:

❗HAMAS DECLARES A PAUSE ON RETURNING HOSTAGES - the handover of the Zionist prisoners who were supposed to be released this coming Saturday, corresponding to 02-15-2025, will be postponed until further notice, and until the occupation commits and compensates for (supposed ceasefire violations) in the past few weeks.

HDG: Really??? I hope that, whether we return to war or not, we will not release any more MURDERERS from our jails! AND NO MORE AID!!!


 Scriptural backup from Chabad.org; emphases mine — HDG. 

Samuel haNavi anoints David when HaShem rejects Shaul haMelech  (most of I Samuel chapter 16)

HaShem promises David that his kingdom will last forever (II Samuel 7, esp. vv. 12-16 - that's why we say that Mashiach could have come in every generation). And, BTW, it's also why JC could NEVER qualify for being Mashiach: he's not from the SEED of DAVID.

 Anything about the Messiah has to be based on the two sections of the Tana"ch above. Like this one, from Isaiah:

"For a child has been born to us, a son has been given to us, and the authority will rest on his shoulders...To him who will be great in authority, and have peace without limit upon the throne of David and upon his kingdom, to establish it..." Isaiah 9:5-6  

No one has been sitting on David's throne for the last couple of millennia...

more on the way, be"H...


Reading (all emphases mine unless otherwise noted — HDG):

Prof. Phyllis Chesler: Note to Israel and the world: Take off the gloves | Doña Gracia Center for Diplomacy: Why Vardanyan and other Armenian prisoners aren't hostages | Forest Rain: We need to talk about being ANGRY | Point of No Return: Trump's plan has been tried against Middle Eastern Jews (!) | Dr. Anjuli Pandavar on A7: Dear Israelis, you have it completely the wrong way round | URGENT: Hillel Neuer: Petition to replace UNRWA at the UN Monday, 17 FEB 2025 | Jerusalem Center for Security and Foreign Affairs (JCFA): Most Palestinian families come from immigrants from the past two centuries | Taking a stand at City Hall: Brooklyn [NY] Councilwoman Inna Vernikov quits women's caucus over anti-Israel and woke agenda | Myrtle Rising:  3 points regarding the stabbing attack against Israeli Jews in Athens | Israel Realtime: BIBAS CHILDREN AND MOTHER WERE MURDERED IN CAPTIVITY. [BIG TIME WAR CRIME. Is this real or a psyop for dhimmis? Israel MUST have confirmation. And we'd better call on HQB"H, then show some courage. We are NOT DHIMMIS. / 20250220: We have the coffins. Now it's time to confirm...or deny. -HDG] | David M. Weinberg in the Jewish Press: 9 MILLION hostages | Dr. Inna Rogatchi: A time of tolerated crimes against humanity | Giulio Meotti: Underneath Gaza, there is a concentration camp. | JPress: A deep state doesn't get any deeper than this | Myrtle Rising: "There's going to be a balagan on Succot" — how much and what kind of information did the Gaza Division and other military and security elites know before the INVASION? | Vision Magazine: Is Yair Lapid Trump's new Israeli stooge? | JPress: Shocking: You won't believe what the Israeli High Court is actually busy with | Israeli MK NOT NOTIFIED about release of HER HUSBAND'S KILLER in H*M*S Hostage deal | JPress: Released abductee Agam Berger prays at Kever Yosef in Sh'chem | Bet El Friends: The mistakes of October 7 go back...32 years | Times of Israel: After doctors accuse Israel of shooting Gazan kids, experts see need for a second opinion |


For, or about, PURIM: JPress: On Purim, celebrate Jewish self-defense, NOT self-loathing | VIDEO: Shurat haDin: How Mordechai outsmarted Haman and changed history | Vision Mag: The Loss of Kingship & Cessation of Prophecy on Purim |



 The Jewish right to Palestine under international law | What do Rebbe Nachman's teachings say about US President Trump? | H/T Tomer Devorah: PROPHETIC WARNING FOR AMERICA!! by R' Yehuda Richter [Arab nations should also take heed! - HDG] |

20 January 2025

Envy and Jealousy: What's the difference? Part 4

20 Tevet 5785 | כ' טבת ה'תשפ"ה


💖Welcome home, Romi, Emily and Doron! Refuah shlemah to all of you, and all the others...💖

A Prime Example
A lot of things have been going on, as the vast majority of people know; so, A BIG THANK YOU SO MUCH for bearing with me until now. I hope these posts will help us all think more clearly about what we're witnessing and going through as God responds openly, finally.

As it turns out, US president-elect Donald Trump really meant something quite different when he first said: 
"If those hostages aren't back — I don't want to hurt your negotiation — if they're not back by the time I get into office, all hell will break out in the Middle East. And it will not be good for Hamas, and it will not be good, frankly, for anyone, all hell will break out..."  
(emphasis mine, HDG)
For the rest of the quote and more, see this video from Tomer Devorah on how this statement is being fulfilled — in the USA.
What that emphasized phrase means on our side of the earth, it turns out, is that WE, the Jews of Israel, are "getting the shaft" after all. It is intended that we are to release hundreds of murderous Arab prisoners from our jails as we get only 33 of our hostages, not all of whom are alive. I'm finishing up this post as three of our living hostages were released today (Sunday, 19 January 2025) and rescued the body of a dead soldier ourselves with God's help (which should not be added to the tally, if there was any decency in this whole thing they call "a deal"...). Otherwise, we have no idea which ones are dead or alive, only estimates as of this writing. The families of the hostages who were not chosen are screaming bloody murder at our government, and I can't blame them. 
In fact, I must say that I favor the holy, son-after-son scion of King David-run Kingdom of Israel to the "demock-racy" of Israel. It's just proof that, with democracy, all a country has to do is get the populace to believe that evil is good, and — voila! — a decent country has been slowly, then quickly, made into an evil country — by law, no less!

The "democracy" called the State of Israel favored a smaller portion of the population  over all the others — until October 7th, which was Simchat Torah back in 2023. Then, it was their turn to be "sacrifices for the sake of the State." Meaning, that they would be mutilated and murdered by surprise. Unfortunately, the religious Zionists (the real term is datí le'umí, national religious) were eager to get into the battlefield, as usual...and we are losing many more soldiers, most of them datí le'umí, than the massacre itself and the hostages...combined.
A Jewish kingdom, designed according to Divine command, will then be able to say NO!!! to the nations, and mean it. That would be just the beginning. Until then...
It's time for Jews to say, 'Sorry, not sorry.' Frankly, we have to stop being envious of the nations, which leads to appeasing them, because we think they have more freedoms in this life than we do.
One of the greatest things we should not be sorry for is claiming our Biblical right to live in THE LAND OF ISRAEL; and not only that, but to live here as HaShem wants us to.  
Israel is synonymous with Jacob (Ya'acov יעקב), the forefather of all the Jewish People; it is the name the angel gave Jacob after he won the overnight battle with it. ON THE LAND.

Rabbi Levi Diamond of Chabad Rechavia presented the case for the Jews' Right to our Land at the beginning of the current war (immediately below).

(...you can see that I started writing this series much earlier from this video.)

| A word, to the wise, is sufficient. |
Forgive me if you've heard this admonishment too many times. I haven't heard it in many years, and wonder whether people's sensitivity to events has been affected by its absence. I added what I think are essential commas to the statement because I didn't understand it when I first heard it as a child. 
And here's one more: If there is no hope for the Jewish People to win Mashiah through prayer, and to overcome their enemies in this horrible war, then there is no hope for any other nation, either, no matter how strong they are, to win anything.
Seriously, it would be wiser to quit trying to appropriate the Land that God gave to the Jews, than to continue on a path to an end you will never enjoy without the presence of the inheritors of it. We have a Jealous GOD and trust that HE will judge those who have hindered us from enjoying our inheritance from Him. Everyone on Earth should be getting ready to meet Him up close and personal, whether they like the prospects or not. 
People who say they believe in God and read their bibles should naturally understand what it clearly states. 
I have a thought, or at least the draft of one, of a real explanation of why God has been treating my people with such exactness that others think He hates us, compared to how He treats them. It has to do with the difference, and the interplay, between envy and jealousy, and how the Hebrew of the Bible treats these words and the concepts they represent. It certainly doesn't have to do with anything leading outsiders to believe that He has given up on us, or has abandoned us for them.
 If you read the Torah (Five Books of Moses, but especially the books of Exodus and Numbers) carefully, you will see, even in translation, how the descendants of Israel (Jacob) have doubts about whether they should have left Egypt (Mitzrayim means constraints and refers to their slavery there. I note that its current name, Misr مصر, in Arabic, is basically the same.). 
Risk-taking, especially if one were accustomed to being forced to depend on a "master" for the most meager need for generations — the fulfillment of which depended on the degree of compliance with "his" demands — is the last thing a freshly-freed slave would be able to accomplish. Yet, that is exactly what God expected us to do — to trust Him and His servant, Moshe (to whose name we now append Rabbenu, since he taught us how to behave as a free people and interceded on our behalf with God when we slipped up...which was often...) to follow them and do what they said. In today's vernacular, we would say that we were infantilized emotionally and mentally, not to mention spiritually...and now we had to grow up and take responsibility for ourselves, with His help. 
My guess is that it's why our ancestors back in the day complained so much and didn't think to ask nicely for what they needed. This thought led me to ask haShem for permission to return home to Israel, rather than just barging in. It took two years for it to be fulfilled, and now we're well within our 18th year here, thank God.

The last thought I want to leave you with is that jealousy has a very positive aspect, which I personally have discovered over the past 2 years and change. When a couple is very much in love, the last thing they want is to lose each other. They become jealous over each other with a desire to protect each other and the relationship. 
I'm not sure if this is within the bounds of correct English, but the phrase jealous over seems to suggest to me the picture of a large, beautiful umbrella over the couple involved. And it definitely fits what I experience as God's watching over me.

Envy does not have this quality at all.
 My very last thought on this, for now, is that I still have a lot to learn: how even words like vast, enormous, huge, gigantic (and relatively newly widespread synonyms derived from the last three, "ginormous" and "humongous") don't even begin to touch any description regarding HaShem, God. It may be why the Breslevers among the Jews quote Rebbe Nachman of Breslev, saying that we don't know anything
Which is why ge'ulá shlemáh will be a big surprise...for the vast majority of the peoples of the earth.
I wish all my readers a healthy winter and a better year to those both inside and outside of Israel.



07 January 2025

Envy and Jealousy: What's the difference? Part 3

 7 Tevet 5785 | ז' טבת ה'תשפ"ה


I have been living with the following idea for the past two years or so: The jealousy of the Living God is a good and desirable thing!
How am I supposed to understand this? It seems that a jealous being wouldn't be so desirable (Much less God, being this way). It could also, or instead, be the misuse of jealousy in some way.
...What is it?
Having been a native English speaker for well over 60 years, I can attest to the change in the understanding of the relationship between the words jealousy and envy in my first language. They were once very distinguishable, and now, it seems, they are not, according to dictionary definitions and the majority of people, which is as likely as not to have engendered the decision to change the definition, particularly of jealousy
I believe it must have started when I was a teenager. My husband, only 8 years older than I, clearly believes in the classic definition, and passed it on to me relatively recently (like, a couple of years ago at this writing).
The words we are discussing in the Biblical Hebrew (known as Lashon haQodesh לשון הקודש in the original) are as follows (the polite way):
  • HaShem Kanáh (קאל קנא) = God is jealous  
  • Lo Tahmód (לא תחמוד) = Do not covet [and I also translate as a synonym, do not envy.  - HDG]

As you can see from the Hebrew words themselves, there is no commandment that says, do not be jealous. But it does say, do not covet (or, envy) — twice, for good measure — and it goes further later in the sentence and spells out what you should not desire for yourself which belongs, or is in relationship to, another. 

Coveting and envying, if left to fester, both end in stealing and worse. We might want to take a tip from the Hebrew words, which have not even a single letter in common.

As I wrote above (in part 1), modern Hebrew shares our confusion. The Hebrew Language Academy (HLA) hasn't accepted the translation above of tahmod...yet. So, the conflating of these words has the effect of putting God in a bad light, even in translations between Hebrew and English.

It seems to me that He is accused of coveting, the prohibition of which is the last of the 10 Commandments! 
How do I think that come about (or is this even an original thought)?

When jealousy and envy are interchangeable, it means that the subject of either of these words is coveting the object. A person covets their own spouse or their neighbor's car. It makes no difference. It means that there are no boundaries on either side. This is why we must keep these words apart, as they used to be, and still are in the Biblical Hebrew that is mostly studied by Jews (and Noahides, within their own boundaries). 
One of the outcomes of the confusion of these terms is the translation of the modern Hebrew term קנאי (ka-na-EE) in modern English dictionaries as both jealous and envious (from my 17-year-old Oxford Hebrew-English dictionary. Google Translate on my phone translates envious as מקנה m'ka-NEH. Same root, different form. Only the emphasis changes.) 
To the Hebrew Language Academy, I would suggest the verb lahmód לחמוד for to envy, as well as to covet, to which it already translates. It would have the proper emphasis on the person wanting to possess what is not his/hers, which was the original English meaning, as well as the Hebrew.
It's important to note that the person finding him- or herself jealous has the relationship (most appropriately, the marriage), the work contract, owns the home, the land, etc., so there are boundaries around what s/he has and must protect. The envious person, on the other hand, has potentially no boundaries about what s/he will do to appropriate (i.e., steal) the property or person of another, and has no valid relationship or ownership with the object of their coveting. The same feelings apply, but the relationships between the jealous and the covetous/envious people and their object(s) are opposites. 
To clarify, I'm not saying that everyone who envies another is stealing the object of their envy actively. But at the very least, they wish they could, if they're honest with themselves. Most, if not all, of us have tendencies in this direction at some time or another. And, yes, I include myself as well, at one time or another.

I might assume that these feelings and traits are more associated with men, but I didn't want to exclude women! We have these struggles too.

We have a short review of a few of the top definitions cited online.
 I think this site is very confused as to the difference. It's not a matter of what it feels like, but whether the writer can clearly distinguish them.
This site is much less confused about the definition, with the exception that at the bottom of the page, it considers Christians to be the "owner" of  the Jealous God (the quote from that site is "In the Bible, you can find reference to a jealous God in Exodus 20:4-5. In this context jealousy is used to mean worshiping only the one true Christian God and not other Gods.") 
Comment from me:
Par-don-Me!?! Jews — particularly those who have actually read and studied them — are jealous over our understanding of God and the texts He gave us. Considering that the reference is in Exodus (as linked to above), a clearly Jewish text that we call SH'MOT שמות in Hebrew, after its first key word, with a plainly Jewish context ("the Exodus from Egypt") that people who know it don't deny, I find it outrageous. It only adds to the confusion, this exclusion of Jews from their prerogative of JEALOUSY OVER THE LAND (that Jared Kushner recently claimed we were "eating up" in the context of the USA's "2-state solution" plan) as well as over who GOD is. 
No, we don't own HIM. HE made the original covenant with US, the Jews.  
He doesn't change His mind! His perspective is FOREVER! Our government would not be successful at gaining any part of the Land He promised us, from around us, if He were not involved. They don't even desire to do so; they are doing some of the job because of the request referred to in the above video, and under threat at the same time.
It's not a matter of political correctness, either, dear reader, in case you're wondering. It's a matter of the fact that there were neither Christians nor Muslims around during the times of the Israelite emancipation from the slavery of the Egyptians. But there were Ishmaelites, as well as other desert-dwellers. The Ishmaelites drove caravans, along with other nations, to Egypt quite frequently. And between them and the Midianites, they carried Joseph to Mitzrayim (its Hebrew name) when he was sold some 200 years prior.
Consider what I wrote 5 years ago, here and here. I also commented here (R' Sprecher's "Pharaoh — The Original Anti-Semite!").
It seems to me that both Islam and Christianity need to appropriate the "Jealous God" from the Jews because they just can't let go of the "Old Testament"...just try to imagine either of them without the Five Books of Moses, the Writings and the Prophets, even as they ignore and disdain them.

Back to the definitions...
6 Main Differences between Jealousy and Envy also is very clear, and doesn't carry the religious baggage. 
More links in this SEARCH Decide for yourself whether other sites are clear or confused on this issue. From the clear definitions comes the opinion that envy and jealousy deal with a lot of the same stories and scenarios, but differ regarding the point of view. This is important when considering Whom we are discussing.

Jealousy is generally about something you possess or own — a quality or an item — or a relationship you actually have, being appropriated or stolen by someone else. A close synonym is zeal.
Envy is about wanting to possess or own — or have a relationship with — something that, or someone who, is not yours to relate to, have or own. 
Covet, and its various forms, the word in English used to denote the subject of the Tenth Commandment, is associated with the latter.

While many people — and even dictionaries in English — consider jealousy and envy synonymous nowadays, when it comes to certain issues...studying Torah in its original ancient language comes to mind, and bringing it to modern minds has been the next step...it is important to separate out the differences.  
Only the desire to be as precise as I can possibly be, along with "life" itself, has delayed me. And, I still think I may have failed. It is, as I wrote in the beginning, a difficult subject. More than anything else, I would like to see people thinking about it
Maybe you have a better way of expressing it?
One of the outcomes of the confusion of these terms is the translation of the modern Hebrew term קנאי (ka-na-EE) in modern English dictionaries as both jealous and envious (from my 17-year-old Oxford Hebrew-English dictionary. Google Translate on my phone translates envious as מקנה m'ka-NEH. Same root, different form. Only the emphasis changes.) 
To the Hebrew Language Academy, I would suggest the verb lah-MODE לחמוד for to envy, as well as to covet, to which it already translates. It would have the proper emphasis on the person wanting to possess what is not his/hers, which was the original English meaning, as well as the Hebrew. 

The Tenth Commandment agrees; or rather, I agree with it: Lo tahmod לא תחמוד.
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 4 

08 December 2024

"We interrupt this program for the following message from our Sponsor..."

 light of 8 Kislev 5785 | אור ח' כסלו ה'תשפ"ה


I'm in the middle of writing and posting a series, but the importance of this message might be such that an interruption is in order. In light of the fall of the Assad regime in Syria yesterday...


Regardless of what we think our agenda is, we should always be looking up and expecting our final redemption during these extremely troubling times. May this be one of the many signs we've been looking for!

I got this from one of the WhatsApp groups I belong to...

Hamevin yavin . המבין יבין


P.S. By the way: Assad (or Asad) in Arabic means LION (SEARCH). The "lion" of Syria has fallen. No, I don't mean he's dead or anything like that, but he is the last leader of Syria, so far. Only God knows what will happen to her.

P.P.S. But it was revealed to us, that the fall of Damascus is PROPHECY leading to the coming of Mashiah, if we study Isaiah 17: 1-9.

A lot more will follow...God will become zealous/jealous over us once again.


It's time for GEULA!!!



Myrtle Rising: ...Don't Syrian lives matter? | Shirat Devorah: Syria, Assad and Geula | Tomer Devorah: "Nero of the East" has fallen | Ezequiel Doiny: After the Alawites, the Jihadists will come for the Jews | The Algemeiner: Wikipedia's quiet revolution: How a coordinated group of editors reshaped the Israeli-Palestinian Narrative | The Jewish Press: Believe it or not: King Solomon's copper mines did not pollute the environment |



Going Home...to Yerushalayim: Iran in shock: The Israeli flag raised in the heart of Tehran | Pulse of Israel: The Borders of Israel Will Expand - Avi Abelow called it some time ago. I'm thinking we'll see it very soon now. | Mayim Achronim: Damascus in the End of Days | Nadia Matar, Nashim b'Yarok short: So, who exactly was born in Bethlehem? (English) | Should you make aliyah? (Pay attention to the host's reaction to each statement by the rabbis! h/t Tomer Devorah) | R' Yehuda Richter: Syria's Fall! Messianic Times are Here! h/t Tomer Devorah through Neshama | Syrian Druze want Israeli citizenship. What should Israel do? | Pulse of Israel: Who's afraid of the BIG BAD JEW? |

Happy Hanukkah!

 Israel Unwired: 613's Chanukah twist on 'Wicked' | Maccabeats: Defying Gravity | Chanukah Medley with Micha Gamerman | Ari Goldwag - Chanukah Light |