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What kind of relationship will come out of this deal? (source) |
PROLOGUE: Jews Don't Matter...except when others come to our aid...What?!?!?
US President Donald Trump finally admitted worldwide that he moved the US embassy in Israel from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem "for the evangelicals." (Read: For the "born-again" Christians, who form the biggest portion of Mr. Trump's voter base, even though most Orthodox Jews there voted for him as well. These are part of the normative Right in America.)
Let's be clear: It could not be for the sake of the Jews, neither those of us from Israel nor from the United States; it was not out of respect for an ancient people returning to its ancestral homeland. No! None of the decisions sold to us as "support of Israeli sovereignty for the Jews" was for us, but for them...all along.
So also was the decision to prioritize the "piece" deal with the United Arab Emirates (UAE) over our sovereignty over our ancestral Judea and Samaria. Here's a Wikipedia summary of the relationship between us and them since 2010. "Peace" in the Middle East is more important to the born-agains than "changing the status of barren hilltops."
You read right. Yet, there's more on the American side of the pond and the lake...
A bill in Congress to block US recognition of Israel's extension of our civilian law over territory we already have military control of...and it's ours by international law...
What's it all about...and why now?
The conditions of the UAE deal, in addition to the constraints (read: chains) placed on Israel, are buying the Israel-haters in the US Congress time before the elections to pass a bill to block American recognition of Israeli sovereignty over these lands.
Rep. Betty McCollum (D-Minn.) introduced a bill on Friday that would prohibit the United States from recognizing Israel’s application of sovereignty over Jewish communities in Judea and Samaria.
The Israeli Annexation Non-Recognition Act would also prohibit U.S. assistance to areas where Israel has applied sovereignty....which might mean that they stop giving us money altogether. After all, we have sovereignty over areas "within the Green Line." For those of us who look ahead, there would be a blessing inside the curse.
It seems they are trying to make into law what amounts to Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions. How is Biden's bid for presidency any better than Mr. Trump's last four years?
It seems to me that they want us to have only military control over these areas, if any. They
To be fair, it's not only the US Congress. It's practically every major government body in the world who, underneath all their rhetoric, flags, signs and protests want things the way they are. If we did everything they demanded and still didn't manage to fall apart, they'd look for something else. They know we can't, and live. Even our "best friends" believe in a two-state solution (all within the tiny bloc haShem gives us to keep running despite everything). Why they're so obsessed with getting rid of us, I don't know. If it gets passed, G-d forbid: No more support should mean no more control over us.
The bill's effect on our relationship with America...
I find it "funny" how they expect our Knesset to bow down to the dictates of the High Court of Justice (Baga"tz) and even to dictates from outside the country, but they expect no denunciation from any other government division in the US if what they expect happens. They might get feedback from individuals, or even groups of concerned citizens, if anything.
Remember that the nations wouldn't bother doing these things to any other nation on Planet Earth. And in the last hundreds of years, no one has. Only towards Israel.
Whether this bill passes or not, it acts as a strong antisemitic "virtue" signal tower. El Al had better not crash into that!
Although, the bill does violate the Anglo-American Treaty of 1924, ratified by the US in 1925. More discussion on it, besides full quotation plus the ratification in 1925 by then-president Calvin Coolidge, here thanks to YJ Draiman.
The Palestinian Veto - our enemy's not-so-secret weapon
But I agree with a proposition that has been around for decades, that Caroline Glick clearly explained in last Friday's post (emphases mine):
The Palestinian veto rests on a toxic proposition that Israel’s right to exist is contingent on its satisfaction of Palestinian claims against it. So long as the Palestinians say they are unappeased, Israel cannot expect the Arab world to either recognize or live at peace with it.
The very existence of the veto has ensured that the Palestinians will never be satisfied with any Israeli concession and will never agree to peaceful coexistence with the Jewish state. After all, their global and regional importance is a product of the veto. The Arabs, and much of the rest of the world support the Palestinians because they wield the veto. As holders of the veto, the Palestinians are viewed as the key — or the key obstacle — to Middle East peace. If they give up, or lose the veto, they will lose their position and power to enable or block peace and foment war and instability. More here.The USA is no exception.
Questions for US President Trump
In fact, Israel's "best friend" has been the leader in maintaining this proposition!
This go-round, it has managed to push Israeli sovereignty off the table (with the help of Saudi Arabia, no less), while entering negotiations about advanced military-grade American weapons with the UAE, something that prior to now was not done. Given that there isn't yet proof of stability between Arab nations, let alone between one of them and Israel, Mr. President, wouldn't it seem that you and your team are rushing things?
As I type, Gazan Palestinians are sending fire balloons and rockets over our border trying to burn us alive. We are striking back, but it doesn't help if the Palestinians still have the veto that keeps our hands tied behind our back. It also doesn't help if news reports word things about our reports like this (italics mine; these quotes are from the fire balloons link above):
Israel has responded by bombing what it says are Hamas military targets in Gaza. -BBC
A house in the Israeli town of Sderot was damaged, reportedly by an unexploded rocket -BBC, picture captionSuch mealy-mouthed language is never used when referring to other countries and people. News agencies do this to Israel and Jews all the time. Not all, but enough. The veto makes this possible to keep continuing.
Also, CNN published an editorial by an Emirati, Yousef Munayyer, accusing the UAE of helping normalizing oppression of the Palestinians — by us Israelis. Here's a rejoinder from Emanuel Miller of Honest Reporting as to how this op-ed manipulates the deal you worked so hard and so long to bring about, to spread vicious lies about Israel's role here in the Middle East.
Mr. Trump, you continue to tell us, by your actions and in so many words: It's the money. Jews don't matter. We don't count, whether in Israel or not. You aren't the only one; every president of the US, as well as every world leader, has participated in holding back the Jewish People from expanding our population to what is allowed us by THE HOLY JEWISH BIBLE, the book your biggest supporters value most, whether you do or not.
At least the San Remo Resolution of a hundred years ago gave us JORDAN. You told us to back off of Judea and Samaria...but again, you're seriously considering giving the UAE top American military equipment. Something other presidents of the US haven't done. Not even President Obama. How sure are you that this will end up friendly to you or us?
I also wonder why Prof. Mordechai Kedar thinks that the UAE performed this gesture for the sake of getting you back in office. Is it true?
Back to Israel...
On my side of the pond a week ago, Israeli Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu responded to objections to the UAE agreement under the stated conditions by Israeli leaders from Yehuda/Shomron:
Some settlement leaders said Netanyahu should have pushed forward on annexation, with or without American support.
“Anyone who wants to act unilaterally and without American support will make a bitter mistake,” he responded. “It is not the right thing to do. Those who want to lead the country responsibly will not do that.”The only reason there can be for not acting without American support, I think, is The Palestinian Veto.
Questions for Israel's Prime Minister
My questions to Bibi (he of whom it is said that he "plays Three-Dimensional Chess while others play checkers") are: What exactly do you mean by leading the country responsibly in the above paragraph? Have you studied the matter of dhimmitude with its details? Do any of the conditions of this agreement resemble dhimmitude in any way? What happens when the UAE — which seems to love us now — starts demanding a Palestinian state? (Saudi Arabia already has. See two links 10 and 11 links above from this point.)
Does the Jewish Nation ever truly benefit, without severe downsides, from any deals she has made with the nations???
I'm sure I have more. I'll write them in the comments.
Somehow I think that Israel is not actually respected as an equal in this deal, nor will she be in future deals along these lines. Can you tell by my questions?
What happens if we go along with all of this without expecting anything in return except, maybe, a Palestinian state? Total domination with no pretense at attempting sovereignty at all? War made on us with American weaponry?
We wouldn't be thinking this way if we made it a point to act to command respect. If they need us to defend them against Iran, or any other enemy, or benefit them through our science, medicine and technology, or whatever...we want something in return, without being lowered down. We are not dhimmis or third-class people. It just doesn't make sense to me that we would have seriously decent and peaceful relations with our Arab neighbors, who just a short while ago were at loggerheads with us, while a major part of our land is still waiting for us. LONGING FOR US.
Why do you think it wouldn't support whoever squatted on it while the vast majority of us were gone these last nineteen-hundred-plus years???
And now, to the topic at hand...finally.
An ancient nation, small and humiliated because of our sins
I took the long way around this time to demonstrate: This is what happens to a population kept small and humiliated over thousands of years because some other system other than the Noahide Laws is being followed as international law (of course, this was mida kneged mida to a certain extent — we haven't exactly been totally Jewish Law-abiding as a nation either.).
We need to stop deserving this, my People. But where do we start? By taking stock of ourselves and our environment...we've all heard that (and I'm participating in a program showing just how to do teshuvah, right now. Click or tap here to join me! It's FREE.).
Resetting society starts with the Jews!
But what about the nation uniting and pushing back HARD at all those who would see us dead... whether from overcrowding, sickness and disease, or from having an enemy behind each Jewish back, no matter how flowery, soft and cushiony, or hard-as-a-rock the language may be? And then we must back up our pushback by DOING AS COMMANDED AS A NATION. See Bamidbar/Numbers 33:55.
When we, as a nation, become willing to abide by the Law we signed on to at Sinai, we will receive Judea, Samaria, Jordan and MORE, not by the permission of the USA, but by the open, full and generous Hand of Almighty G-d, in HIS time according to our adherence to His will, and no later.
Properly resetting the Jewish People's right to our land is a major part of resetting society, since ALL of the objections to it are ONLY directed at ISRAEL AND ITS JEWS.
A New Conversation...
Even before Mashiah is revealed, we need to start a new conversation among Jews, while we Jews are still at, or close to, the bottom of the pile. Below are some thoughts with which to start it, concerning The Seven Laws of Noah (search, pick your choice):
1. The 7 Laws and their explanations are the basis for running a sane, decent and populated world. We may yet see through the lie that the Earth is overpopulated, per se. Only if a sizeable population is evil is this true!
The only good thing about all the violence without law enforcement these days is that it's easier to see the evil.
The only good thing about all the violence without law enforcement these days is that it's easier to see the evil.
2. Wherever there is chaos and lawlessness, either one or more of the Laws is being violated, or previously Noahide law has been taken over by davka anti-Noahide law.
3. Any attempt to "unify the world" under international law should include references to the 7 Laws and explanations, if any. Any attempt to exclude these laws is a sign that true unity and mutual cooperation are not goals in the process. Common decency is the goal.
4. All laws, including prejudice against people due to racism and nationalism, sexism and other gender considerations, etc. need to be held to the Noahide standard. For instance, do we need laws against hate crimes? They fit neatly under crimes committed on purpose. There are already laws against murder, theft, serious injury and the like. Heavier sentences already exist for people who committed these on purpose than for those who did so accidentally.
5. Jewish law includes all of the Noahide laws and goes well beyond them. It is only for the Jews, and can only be fully expressed in Eretz Yisrael - the Land that G-d gave us.
6. Any person or nation whose religion is based on The Holy Jewish Bible, to whatever extent, must understand the continuing importance of the Jewish Nation in the world, as well as the laws we go by. Everyone else must learn from the beginning. All attempts to eliminate this nation and deny its G-d-fearers' voices in the world will result in major worldwide disaster and — if successful, G-d forbid — ultimate destruction (Jeremiah 30 - I wrote about that chapter.).
Last week's parasha, Re'eh, says the following (text by Sefaria; Rashi by Chabad):
RASHI: However, there will be no needy among you: But further on it says,“For there will never cease to be needy [within the land]” (verse 11). [These two verses seem to contradict each other. However, the explanation is:] When you perform the will of the Omnipresent, there will be needy among others but not among you. If, however, you do not perform the will of the Omnipresent, there will be needy among you. - [Sifrei] | רש"י: אפס כי לא יהיה בך אביון: ולהלן הוא אומר (פסוק יא) כי לא יחדל אביון, אלא בזמן שאתם עושים רצונו של מקום, אביונים באחרים ולא בכם, וכשאין אתם עושים רצונו של מקום אביונים בכם: |
needy: Heb. אֶבְיוֹן, [denoting someone who is] poorer than an ע ָנִי. The term אֶבְיוֹן means“to yearn for” (תָּאֵב) , i.e., one who yearns for everything [because he has nothing]. — [Vayikra Rabbah 34:6, see B.M. 111b] | אביון: דל מעני, ולשון אביון שהוא תאב לכל דבר: |
RASHI: However, if you hearken [to the voice of the Lord, your God]: then “there will be no needy among you” (verse 4). | רש"י: רק אם שמוע תשמע: אז לא יהיה בך אביון: |
you hearken: Heb. שָׁמֹעַ תִּשְׁמַע. [The repetition of the verb form suggests:] If one listens a little, he will be granted the opportunity to listen much [i.e., he will be taught much Torah as a reward]. — [Sifrei] | שמוע תשמע: שמע קמעא משמיעין אותו הרבה: |
RASHI: [For the Lord, your God, has blessed you,] as He has spoken to you: And where did He speak about this?“Blessed are you in the city…” (Deut. 28:3). - [Sifrei] | רש"י: כאשר דבר לך: והיכן דבר, (דברים כח, ג) ברוך אתה בעיר: |
and you will lend: Heb. וְהַעֲבַטְתָּ. Whenever an expression denoting lending refers to a lender [of money], it adopts the hiph’il [causative] form. For example, וְהִלְוִיתָ, or וְהַעֲבַטְתָּ, you will lend. However, if it would have said וְעָבַטְתָּ,[in the kal, simple conjugation,] it would be referring to the borrower, like וְלָוִיתָ, you will borrow. | והעבטת: כל לשון הלואה כשנופל על המלוה, נופל בלשון מפעיל. כגון והלוית, והעבטת. ואם היה אומר ועבטת היה נופל על הלוה, כמו ולוית: |
and you will lend to [many] nations: One might think that you will borrow from this one and lend that one. Therefore, Scripture states, “but you will not borrow.” | והעבטת גוים: יכול שתהא לוה מזה ומלוה לזה, תלמוד לומר ואתה לא תעבוט: | |
and you will rule over many nations: One might think that [at the same time] other nations will rule over you. Therefore, Scripture states, “but they will not rule over you.” - [Sifrei] | ומשלת בגוים רבים: יכול גוים אחרים מושלים עליך, תלמוד לומר ובך לא ימשולו: |
Pasuk (verse) 6 should be very firmly in mind, especially the last clause after the semicolon in the English, whenever we get offered a "deal" like the one our fearless leader just signed us on to (and probably will again as more Middle Eastern nations follow). Perhaps those Israelis who like it now won't like it as much a few months from now. I'm biding my time while I observe from here.
A last note: I really hope that we won't need a "New World Order" beforehand to appreciate what HaShem has for us post-geulah. I'm praying for constant delays in implementing the NWO system, including a prematurely-released COVID vaccine and the so-called "immunity passport." I refuse to be an "early adopter."
As with a lot of projects, there's usually a Project Director they're not taking into account...One who plays what I'm calling ID Chess (Infinity Dimensional Chess) while most people play checkers (or some attempt at multi-dimensional chess).
And this is only part of the preparation. There's a tremendous lot to be done, privately and publicly! Geulah is coming!
Let's take stock of ourselves...it is Elul, after all...then unite as a nation. Come home to Israel if you aren't here already. No matter where you are in the teshuvah process, it will be clearer and go better here.
A Good Month of Elul ! חודש אלול טוב
A good new year to come, with G-d's help ! שנה טובה בע"ה