19 April 2024

Gazans on the beach: Is this in real time or not?

 11 Nisan 5784 | י"א ניסן ה'תשפ"ד


I received a picture of Gazans on the beach yesterday from a friend. Later on I went to Arutz 7 (Israel National News) and found a whole article on it, and a video with the same scene, at Deir al-Balah in the Gaza Strip

I understand that a lot of Israelis are angry because it's a signal, among many, that we may have lost the war.

A big BUT here...what if the video is old? What if it took place elsewhere on the planet and has nothing to do with Jews or Israel?

 A commenter with the "handle" of "ForeverTruthVV" noted the following below the article (no editing on my part):

How do we know this video was even taken recently it could be one from years ago...I have a beloved who is over there right now today as a doctor and there is still Soldiers over there fighting. Now where this video came from I do not know but one thing I do know is that the War is NOT over yet. I don't know about you on this site but as for me I am sick to death of all the false information, lies, disinformation, etc etc etc etc etc.

Others have posted their doubts as well. We know that our enemies are really good and reliable about taking some still picture from elsewhere and writing a bad caption underneath that says that Israel did it to the Palestinians. It's been proven over and over again.

So, why not do the same with videos? Here's an example of one that was posted 2 (two) years ago (29 May 2021) and presented as though it's now, since the 7 October 2023 massacre (search). I'm sure there are a lot more where this one came from. This two-year-old video, used as a weapon in the current war, might be something to feel very negatively about.

It's just a question specifically about the video below, posted yesterday at this writing because I can't prove, right now, that this is the case, but I wouldn't be surprised if it turns out that it was absconded from elsewhere, or further back in time, and captioned to attack Israel psychologically as an act of the current war. 

Here it is (39 seconds): 

and here's a YouTube search for this video among others like it. I didn't find it there.

Then I went to Google; Israel haYom originally posted it here yesterday, for our purposes. But who knows where they got it. The page says "Documentation: Hundreds of Gazans hang out on the beach in Deir al-Balah" in Hebrew. For their sake, I hope they aren't using sources who lie, as media often tend to do.

One big clue would be to find women dressed like people are used to seeing Muslims dressed; more believable. An even bigger clue, if the video was really taken in Gaza, is to find people in it — that knowledgeable sources know are dead — moving around, an indication that it was taken earlier than as presented. Especially people who were dead anytime before the October 7th/Shabbat Simchat Torah Massacre, accounting for times people are able to go to the beach there.

Alternatively, they recognize no one at all. In that case, we, the people, need to know where this was really taken so that we can shake off our anger over this video and put our energy into the things that matter right now.

I wish all my brothers and sisters here and all around the world a happy and kosher/kosher and happy Pesach (whichever you prefer), and that we will see a real change in the world where only good remains standing, even if Mashiah isn't identified yet because he hasn't actually done the things he's supposed to do before being accepted, or for some other reason.


More reading/viewing:

Gazans flock to the beach amid, hostage families fume | Israel aghast as US said poised to sanction [most likely "coercive intervention", see HERE, synonym 3; also syn 5 - HDG] IDF unit with history of abuses H/t: Tomer Devorah | ...but the incident that brought on US ire happened during the Bennett-Lapid administration | Israelis who searched for murdered teen arrested | What Tunisia and London have in common: Both think Jews provoke antisemitism by being alive | Every major "criticism of Israel" is based on antisemitic assumptions. EVERY SINGLE ONE. | SIGN this NEW PETITION to urge the USA to extradite Ahlam Tamimi, who masterminded the murder in the Sbarro Restaurant in 2001 and is still free!!! |


Anonymous said...

They have a reputation of sheker that's almost unreal.
Of course, the IDF must not stop until the Chamas are completely decimated. By showing a false video (from either somewhere else, another country or of two or more years ago, they are showing that they won, that's the whole idea. The only way they 'win' is there is no more chamas, yimach shmom v'zichrom.


HDG, Yerushalayim, E"Y Shlemah said...

I hear you, baruch, thanks so much for your comment! Hoping your Shabbath was great, and Hag Pessah Sameah.