light of 8 Kislev 5785 | אור ח' כסלו ה'תשפ"ה
I'm in the middle of writing and posting a series, but the importance of this message might be such that an interruption is in order. In light of the fall of the Assad regime in Syria yesterday...
Regardless of what we think our agenda is, we should always be looking up and expecting our final redemption during these extremely troubling times. May this be one of the many signs we've been looking for!
I got this from one of the WhatsApp groups I belong to...
Hamevin yavin . המבין יבין
P.S. By the way: Assad (or Asad) in Arabic means LION (SEARCH). The "lion" of Syria has fallen. No, I don't mean he's dead or anything like that, but he is the last leader of Syria, so far. Only God knows what will happen to her.
P.P.S. But it was revealed to us, that the fall of Damascus is PROPHECY leading to the coming of Mashiah, if we study Isaiah 17: 1-9.
A lot more will follow...God will become zealous/jealous over us once again.
It's time for GEULA!!!
Myrtle Rising: ...Don't Syrian lives matter? | Shirat Devorah: Syria, Assad and Geula | Tomer Devorah: "Nero of the East" has fallen | Ezequiel Doiny: After the Alawites, the Jihadists will come for the Jews | The Algemeiner: Wikipedia's quiet revolution: How a coordinated group of editors reshaped the Israeli-Palestinian Narrative | The Jewish Press: Believe it or not: King Solomon's copper mines did not pollute the environment |
Going Yerushalayim: Iran in shock: The Israeli flag raised in the heart of Tehran | Pulse of Israel: The Borders of Israel Will Expand - Avi Abelow called it some time ago. I'm thinking we'll see it very soon now. | Mayim Achronim: Damascus in the End of Days | Nadia Matar, Nashim b'Yarok short: So, who exactly was born in Bethlehem? (English) | Should you make aliyah? (Pay attention to the host's reaction to each statement by the rabbis! h/t Tomer Devorah) | R' Yehuda Richter: Syria's Fall! Messianic Times are Here! h/t Tomer Devorah through Neshama | Syrian Druze want Israeli citizenship. What should Israel do? | Pulse of Israel: Who's afraid of the BIG BAD JEW? |
Happy Hanukkah!
Israel Unwired: 613's Chanukah twist on 'Wicked' | Maccabeats: Defying Gravity | Chanukah Medley with Micha Gamerman | Ari Goldwag - Chanukah Light |
I also had a post where I noted about the PLANE that left Damascus and somewhere after it passed HOMS it descended rapidly and crashed a little further. I included screenshots. So it may be he et al are all gone. UNLESS its a ploy and he’s really in Turkiye or Russo
I keep forgetting to tell you that’s a great writeup of yours!
Could be, either way. Or even Tehron.
The new decrees from giggle are excruciatingly horrible. Making creative corresponding awfully difficult. Hard to explain bu5 this constant logging in to one’s blog and ut very frustrating,
On the iPad! So far.
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