12 Shevat 5785 | י"ב שבט ה'תשפ"ה
No such thing as Palestinians?
Dear Fellow Israeli,
Now that you're seeing our government in action during the crisis of a lifetime, what do you think of it? Many of you think of democratic governments in a different way than I and others like me, as former Americans, do. Not that I'm proud of that, by the way. I have seen how much negative influence the USA has had on Israel, especially during the last 30 years or more. And newly-re-elected President Trump, despite his intentions, whether for good or for bad, will not be able to complete the job he intends.
It's not his, or America's, to do, but ours. Israel's. Guided by God. HaQadosh Baruch Hu, whose name we do not pronounce.
I tend to think of a democratic government as made up of three parts that were designed with equal powers that don't conflict with one another (called "checks and balances"): the executive, legislative, and judicial.
I was about to say that the military isn't part of this system; however, that's not entirely true. The President, who has about 5 million people working for him according to the Harry S Truman Presidential Library and Museum, is the Commander-in-Chief of the armed forces (which isn't stated that way there. The quote at the other end of the Executive Branch link immediately before these words between parentheses is "leads our nation in times of war." Wikipedia states it clearly, under "Chain of Command.") in addition to his other presidential duties.
Here's an even easier way to explain the three-branched American democratic system, if the one above confuses you.
I suspect that about now you're thinking that I intend to advocate a closer adherence to the American system. No, I do not; look up at the title again. Rather, the opposite. America, for her role in how we're getting our hostages back from the depths of Gaza at the possible cost of many, many innocent Israeli citizens' lives — especially Jewish ones — due to the many proven murderers we have complied with greater powers than us to release — directly into the population yet — to get them, is going to pay. Big Time.
(Although, I have noticed that some of those released prisoners who were guilty of actual murder have gone immediately back to terrorism, with intent to murder again — another word for this is "recidivism" — have been eliminated as a result. That helps, somewhat. Would that all of them had died before they could be released.)
And that's not the only time this has happened. I was here visiting during the process of the expulsion of Jews from Gush Katif, which was in Gaza, back in 2005. You may remember what happened to America on the heels of her arm-twisting then: the great flood of New Orleans. That was water-based; what is happening because of the price America is forcing from us this time is fire-based. See Los Angeles.
Does this look or sound familiar?
And there are many other things, between 1967, when America accepted Israel and began supporting her with a full heart (or so it seemed), and when she decided that she must aim to control Israel instead...or, maybe, intended all along. That might have been around 1975, when our neighbors started to speak with people in the American government about keeping us down. I cannot find it on the internet now; it's possible that it was just in a paper magazine (which was all we had in 1975, if I remember correctly.).
I see too many comments from people on news sites like Arutz 7 and Jerusalem Post looking forward to "the next election." Please, my fellow Israeli Jews, look around you. I also hear complaints about the judicial system, the police, the huge difference between how people "behind the Green Line" and "the settlers" in front of it are treated. But, contrary to the perception from outside, a majority of Israelis recently polled have come around to the idea of taking sovereignty over Judea, Samaria and the Jordan Valley. If a referendum is called on the current system, a similar response, if not greater, is absolutely called for.
The corruption within the system stinks to high heaven, everyone knows it, but we're still looking forward to elections? It's not as though we have no alternative.
In every generation there has been someone designated Mashiah — the son-after-son scion of King David, from him down to our own day — but we have not been worthy, has v'shalom.
There's a whole system under the Kingdom too, but it won't be like the other kingdoms of the earth, most of which are figureheads and not real royalty.
And if, when it becomes revealed who Mashiah is, few will believe it, because of his reputation, and because of the severe charges that were laid against him prior to the revelation...please remember the corrupt government system we have now. No exception was made in this case. In fact, it was overemphasized.
This system, with its servants, does not want to be replaced. But it must be, if we want to WIN THE WAR.
The first thing we need to do is call for a public trial for all those elite military officers, and those above them, who were responsible for allowing the Simchat Torah Massacre (aka "October Seventh" among other names) to occur without opposition for a long period of time before responding!
P.S. Israel Realtime, this evening, 19:50/7:50 PM:
❗HAMAS DECLARES A PAUSE ON RETURNING HOSTAGES - the handover of the Zionist prisoners who were supposed to be released this coming Saturday, corresponding to 02-15-2025, will be postponed until further notice, and until the occupation commits and compensates for (supposed ceasefire violations) in the past few weeks.
HDG: Really??? I hope that, whether we return to war or not, we will not release any more MURDERERS from our jails! AND NO MORE AID!!!
Scriptural backup from Chabad.org; emphases mine — HDG.
Samuel haNavi anoints David when HaShem rejects Shaul haMelech (most of I Samuel chapter 16)
HaShem promises David that his kingdom will last forever (II Samuel 7, esp. vv. 12-16 - that's why we say that Mashiach could have come in every generation). And, BTW, it's also why JC could NEVER qualify for being Mashiach: he's not from the SEED of DAVID.
Anything about the Messiah has to be based on the two sections of the Tana"ch above. Like this one, from Isaiah:
"For a child has been born to us, a son has been given to us, and the authority will rest on his shoulders...To him who will be great in authority, and have peace without limit upon the throne of David and upon his kingdom, to establish it..." Isaiah 9:5-6
No one has been sitting on David's throne for the last couple of millennia...
more on the way, be"H...
Reading (all emphases mine unless otherwise noted — HDG):
Prof. Phyllis Chesler: Note to Israel and the world: Take off the gloves | Doña Gracia Center for Diplomacy: Why Vardanyan and other Armenian prisoners aren't hostages | Forest Rain: We need to talk about being ANGRY | Point of No Return: Trump's plan has been tried against Middle Eastern Jews (!) | Dr. Anjuli Pandavar on A7: Dear Israelis, you have it completely the wrong way round | URGENT: Hillel Neuer: Petition to replace UNRWA at the UN Monday, 17 FEB 2025 | Jerusalem Center for Security and Foreign Affairs (JCFA): Most Palestinian families come from immigrants from the past two centuries | Taking a stand at City Hall: Brooklyn [NY] Councilwoman Inna Vernikov quits women's caucus over anti-Israel and woke agenda | Myrtle Rising: 3 points regarding the stabbing attack against Israeli Jews in Athens | Israel Realtime: BIBAS CHILDREN AND MOTHER WERE MURDERED IN CAPTIVITY. [BIG TIME WAR CRIME. Is this real or a psyop for dhimmis? Israel MUST have confirmation. And we'd better call on HQB"H, then show some courage. We are NOT DHIMMIS. / 20250220: We have the coffins. Now it's time to confirm...or deny. -HDG] | David M. Weinberg in the Jewish Press: 9 MILLION hostages | Dr. Inna Rogatchi: A time of tolerated crimes against humanity | Giulio Meotti: Underneath Gaza, there is a concentration camp. | JPress: A deep state doesn't get any deeper than this | Myrtle Rising: "There's going to be a balagan on Succot" — how much and what kind of information did the Gaza Division and other military and security elites know before the INVASION? | Vision Magazine: Is Yair Lapid Trump's new Israeli stooge? | JPress: Shocking: You won't believe what the Israeli High Court is actually busy with | Israeli MK NOT NOTIFIED about release of HER HUSBAND'S KILLER in H*M*S Hostage deal | JPress: Released abductee Agam Berger prays at Kever Yosef in Sh'chem | Bet El Friends: The mistakes of October 7 go back...32 years | Times of Israel: After doctors accuse Israel of shooting Gazan kids, experts see need for a second opinion |
The Jewish right to Palestine under international law | What do Rebbe Nachman's teachings say about US President Trump? | H/T Tomer Devorah: PROPHETIC WARNING FOR AMERICA!! by R' Yehuda Richter [Arab nations should also take heed! - HDG] |