40th Day of the Omer
UPDATE: English Below!
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The text of the prayer (much larger if you click here). |
To anyone who can do this tomorrow, the 26th of Iyyar (22 May) beginning at 5PM, my heart, thanks and blessings go out to you.
From the Sod 1820 site (translation mine, with the help of Google):
We are organizing a World Day of Prayer concerning the Final Redemption on the day of the passing of the RaM"Hal (Rav Moshe Hayyim Luzzato, zz"l) this coming Monday, the 26th of Iyyar. Attached here is the text of the prayer [in Hebrew - CDG], and we ask everyone to say it 13 times, beginning at 5PM on Monday.This makes it close to the 42nd Day of the Omer Count. I will be working tomorrow at that time and I pray slowly! So I guess that if I start at 5 in the afternoon, it doesn't matter how long it takes. And I don't know whether it means 5 here in Israel or 5 your time, wherever you may be in the world.
UPDATE: But pray, anyway and either way. I believe they really want as many people beseeching haShem as possible throughout the 42nd Day of the Omer! And why not pray it more if you can? And afterwards as well, until we see results?!
May Geulah Shlemah come swiftly and may haShem defeat the plans of our enemies, amen!
Many thanks to Chaya Shaina Chana bat Itcha, who sent me the link; thus, in her merit I am posting. May every blessing of healing and redemption be on you, my dear (please see the link I have on the right sidebar above for her - I thank G-d she still lives)!
UPDATE: She also helped by providing a smoother translation (now below) from someone she knows.
"May it be Your will, Hashem our G-d and the G-d of our fathers, that You will accept with favor the prayers of Your nation Israel who have prayed to You in all generations, in every place in the world, and especially in the holy Land of Israel. And in the merit of these prayers, may You tip the scale to redeem Your nation Israel as a complete redemption with kindness, with mercy, with miracles, and with wonders."And subjugate underneath You the blood - which is the Kingdom of Edom - and the fat - which is the Kingdom of Yishmael."In the merit of all the truly righteous people who lived until today, and in the merit of all the truly righteous people who are among us today, and in the merit of the hope that we hope to see Your complete redemption, and in the merit of Your mercy and kindness, please Hashem, send to us immediately Eliyahu Hanavi Your servant, and reveal to us the King Mashiah, and make him king over the nation of Israel and over the entire world."Please Hashem, do not return us empty-handed from before You because we rely upon You. Answer us and do not delay. It is toward Your salvation that I hope."May the words of my mouth and the meditations of my heart find favor before You, Hashem, my Rock and my Redeemer."
Many thanks to one of my precious readers, who wishes to remain anonymous, for prompting the translation.
Thank you and, hopefully, many will get this message to pray tomorrow. Unless there is further specific details of the time, then we should all pray at 5 pm wherever one lives.
The Geulah will be here b'ezrat H' faster than we imagined, because things are running amok at a very fast pace. The chilulei H' being committed, as we learn from Tomer Devorah's and Going Home to Yerushalayim blogs, are mind boggling and frightening.
H' yerachem and may every Jewish neshamah merit the Geulah b'rachamim.
Amen. Its almost time, YERUSHALAYIM TIME, :) !
Thanks so much for this, Chava!
I wouldn't have known about it otherwise.
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