23 July 2019

Will the FINAL Mikdash be a Physical Building?

the light of 21 Tammuz 5779

by Rabbi Ephraim Sprecher

Zecharya ch. 8 tells us that Tisha B'Av will become a joyous festive Yom Tov when Mashiach comes and builds the third and final Beit Hamikdash. The prophet Yechezkel deals with the construction of the Third and Final Temple in great detail.

A major problem is that Yechezkel’s vision of the Third Beit Hamikdash in ch. 48 describes a Sanctuary Structure of enormous, gigantic dimensions. The Third Temple Building will be so huge that Abarbanel claims it will be even larger than the entire Temple Mount. The structure will be so humongous that the Malbim in Zecharya ch. 2 claims that Yechezkel’s Temple will surpass even beyond the borders of Jerusalem!

Is there a way to bridge the gap between Yechezkel’s Heavenly vision of a super-enormous sanctuary and his prophecy that very much seems to depict a physical building that exists here on earth?

The Minchat Yitzchak compares the relationship between Yechezkel’s Heavenly Temple and the Earthly Temple to the relationship between the human body and the soul. Just as the body is a product of this physical world, into which the Heavenly Soul descends, so too, the Final Temple will be built in this world by Mashiach, and then the Spiritual Heavenly Temple will descend into it.

Now, just as the G-dly soul is not measureable in human terms in this world, so too, the Heavenly Temple, which is so immense in Yechezkel’s vision, may not manifest itself in the same way here on earth.

It may be that the model of a spiritually enormous entity – the Heavenly Temple - occupies, animates, and transcends the physically limited confines of a body or a physical building, which is being described here by Yechezkel.

Thus, all the pieces of the Final Temple puzzle may fit together. We can integrate Yechezkel’s prophecy with the Heavenly Jerusalem and Final Temple, and the geographic locations of Jerusalem and the Third Sanctuary.

All of this makes sense in a Final Temple that is physically constructed by human beings, but infused with a Spiritual Soul Temple sent by G-d from Heaven. This is very similar to the G-dly Soul filling up a physical body.

This profound idea should challenge us to realize that we, too, need to transcend our physical limitations to reach a higher and more spiritual existence.



Anonymous said...

Should be made clear to everyone that it was not Jews who were the ones responsible for the sin of the Golden Calf. Our Sages tell us it was definitely the Erev Rav amongst the Jews who were then weak from their very reeent exodus from Egypt and fell prey to the evil of the Erev Rav. We were still held responsible for allowing and participating in that sin. Aharon was afraid and thought if he could just delay their impulsivenss that Moshe would come by then. This shows you that everything is controlled by H' and even the reason HE allowed Moshe Rabbeinu to accept the Erev Rav from shlepping along with us at Yetziat Mitzrayim was because history had to play itself out and with evil doers like the Erev Rav we would always be prone to committing sins, thereby being able to do the tikkunim snd teshuvah to rise higher and higher.

Anonymous said...


'Final Temple that is physically constructed by human beings, but infused with a Spiritual Soul Temple sent by G-d from Heaven. '

Exactly! The purpose of these that worshipped the abomination was to let us see again and again what NOT to do and by that, to keep and purify our NESHAMA. For they have none.
Thank you for putting this lesson Havale, it is so important to know and believe what is written above, that BET HA MIKDASH HA SHLISHIT is AS WE ARE....and for that we must do now our outmost best to be purified like gold in fiery furnance...to be ready for this FINAL start of something so special and beautiful that my words are too short...
There is no TIME...
time and space is just the moment we turn away from the SCHINA.

HDG, Yerushalayim, E"Y Shlemah said...

Anon 24 July, 2019 00:53, you are right, in that the Erev Rav instigated the Sin of the Golden Calf.

However, Rabbi Sprecher did not want to focus on the Erev Rav. As you noted, the Jewish People were held responsible, and even now are responsible to decide whom we follow, accept the consequences, and do the teshuva. May we complete the teshuva this year!

Thanks so much for your comment!

HDG, Yerushalayim, E"Y Shlemah said...

Here are the Torah references for Anon's above comment. See Shemot/Exodus 32:3, 4 and v. 35.