20 January 2020

Israeli Leaders, be warned! "One shot will disrupt the ceremony..."

23 Tevet 5780

The media has been warning us recently of threats made by "Palestinian" leadership, first published as an opinion piece in the Palestinian Authority's Al-Hayat Al-Jadida daily. Jerusalem Post | Palestinian Media Watch

The money quote is:

“One shot will disrupt the ceremony and one dead body will cancel the ceremony”

Just in case you thought it was lost on us ordinary citizens, we see that high-stakes murder has been threatened here in our fair city, King David's Capital.

Tomorrow is the 75th anniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz, and its commemoration is being held later this week here in Jerusalem. Yad vaShem

 I have a message for all Israeli politicians, rabbis, police, media and others who support Israel's current political system:

If you let any kind of "incident" happen because "the system" -- you know, the one that allows Arabs to go around freely in Jewish areas while we Jews get big red signs warning us to stay out of Arab areas due to danger to our lives -- "forces" you to hold back on our security, remember that March 2nd is coming whether or not there is an election on that day.

As you should, every day, whether world leaders are here or not. Need I add that it is your job to make sure Jews can live in safety here? Any failure sends us a huge negative message.

We Israeli Jews are watching how you handle this international event. Everyone else in the world may be watching as well, but we are the only people who matter (aside from HaQadosh Baruch Hu), should the election occur, when it comes to whether you keep your jobs, or whether you get to greet Mashiah "at the end of the day" as part of the transition of governance. It is by no means the only criterion, but it is a big one.

Thankfully, Yad vaShem has not published a detailed event program. Apparently, the world leaders have been invited to the World Holocaust Forum on Friday the 24th as well. Jewish Press

I, along with my fellow Yerushalmim and others who live and/or work in Greater Jerusalem, won't have freedom of movement as usual for the next few days. Those of us in Israel who have internet and who watch the news will have plenty of time to keep an eye on you. We're not going anywhere.

Transit arrangements in English: Municipality of Jerusalem Languages available onsite are Hebrew, English, Arabic, French and Russian. All others use Google Translate (at your own risk). | Hat tip: Devash


true tzadikkim said...

May the YAD VASHEM stuff
be used by the
to let see YAD HASHEM.(14=yud dalet=14=דוד).
Hashem, it is time, and while we are not worthy, DO IT FOR YOUR OWN SAKE!
Time to pray like never before, dear brothers and sisters.
Let's pray like DVD, prayer of ANI, all of us as ONE. May it be heard. May it be accepted.

HDG, Yerushalayim, E"Y Shlemah said...

אמן! כן יהי רצון