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Roberts' Siege & Destruction of Yerushalayim |
by Rabbi Ephraim Sprecher | I believe I'm the first one to publish this article! Also, see comments below in the text (that is, not in the comments section; although, they are welcome.). - HDG
has been a rash of anti-Semitic attacks throughout Europe and the U.S.A.
accompanied by vicious anti-Semitic tweets. But where did it all begin? The
Torah states in Shemot 1:6-8 “Yosef died and all his brothers and that entire
generation...And a new King arose over Egypt, who did not know of Yosef.”
Rebbe, Rav Pam, often discussed the question of how Pharaoh and the Egyptian
people, who were very respectful and cordial to Yaakov and his family suddenly
became murderous anti-Semites so soon after Yosef’s death. How could the great
accomplishments of Yosef as the Viceroy of Egypt, rescuing Egypt from a devastating
famine, be so rapidly forgotten? How did the Egyptians become the cruel murdering
taskmasters enslaving millions of Jews and drowning their infants in the Nile
Beis Halevi explains that when Yosef and his brothers died, the new generation of
Jews felt that the best way for them to survive and thrive in Egypt was to
blend into Egyptian society so that they would not stand out for being “different.”
Thus, the Jews first disregarded Brit Milah, which marks a physical
differentiation between Jew and non‑Jew.
G‑d saw this, “He turned the hearts of the Egyptians to hate His Nation, and to
plot against His servants.” (Tehillim 105:25) There arose a deadly, furious
reaction from the Egyptians to the attempts by the Jews to assimilate in Egypt
and become as one nation with them. This, says Beis Halevi, was the way G‑d
forced the matter in order to fulfill the concept of, “I (G‑d) have separated
you from all the nations to be Mine.” (Vayikra 20:26) This is also what G‑d meant
when He told Ezekiel “As for what enters your minds – it shall not be! As for
what you say, ‘We will be like all the nations, like the families of the Earth’…as
I live - I, G‑d swear I will rule over you with a strong hand and with outpoured
wrath and fury.” (Ezekiel 20:32-33)
Rebbe Rav Pam always stressed that we see time and again that when Jews attempt
to assimilate to the non-Jewish society around them, a vicious and violent
backlash occurs, with tragic repercussions. The roots of the Egyptian exile
serve as the prototype of all future exiles, and it is only our separation from
the gentiles that assures our survival as a People.
Abarbanel states that this is the way that G‑d assures the eternity of the Jewish
People, by forcibly keeping us separate from the gentiles. As soon as we try to
assimilate and adopt gentile customs and behavior, there is an vicious and
violent Anti-Semitic reaction.
is what the evil Bilam means “A Nation that MUST dwell in solitude and never to
be reckoned among the other nations of the world.” (Bamidbar 23:9)
A Reader's Comment:
From Shmayah, 6 January 2020
K'vod HaRav Sprecher, shalom u'vracha
Kol hakavod and yashar kochacha to you on your article
just received and read "Pharoah - The original Anti-Semite".
I have been saying this ever since I can remember.
Hashem sends Amalek in order to maintain us as a People.
It is actually a bracha, and I think you once said that in the past at a shiur on video.
What is disturbing is that too many of our people keep repeating the same mistakes of assimilation over and over again. It is sheer stupidity, and asking for trouble, asking for Amalek, asking for anti-semitism. A wise man once said that those who don't learn from history are doomed to repeat it.
You put together a marvelous article, it is a gem. Your article needs to be disseminated WIDELY. Keep up the great work !
With great respect and admiration,
Most Sincerely,
I also have a comment. Most people who write about this subject somehow forget to bring up the place the Land of Israel holds for us. We have a much better chance of survival today, as a People and as individuals, if we insist on having our Land and fight for her!
If we neglect this important step, Jewish people will not have a place to live in the near future. Think about it: If the nations drive us out from among them AND insist that we are merely "occupying" and "colonializing" the land the country of Israel sits on, thus taking it upon themselves to drive us out of here and letting the Arabs take it over, they give us no place to go.
Those of us who are older remember: Even when there wasn't Israel in the past, until the Holocaust, there was always someplace we could go. No longer. This can mean only one thing: ELIMINATION OF THE JEWISH PEOPLE FROM OFF THE PLANET. That is: MURDER BY GENOCIDE.
We are now living the very definition of the "time of Jacob's trouble" (Jeremiah 30: 5-7) - nowhere to run, nowhere to hide in a small world.
We need to trust in the Almighty G-d and look to Him for salvation - that means that we must act as though we are in the right, and Israel is our home. The nations will certainly be judged for the evil they have been doing, and it won't be long now!
Wake UP, people, and COME HOME!!!
That includes you, too, Laura Loomer! (Here's her video warning us of trouble to come - she was banned on social media long before our troubles became noticed, and has been slandered and libeled all over the place. Interview with Avi Abelow.)
1 comment:
This blog post has been included in First Blog "Carnival," Roundup of 2020, Tevet 5780. Visit and meet the rest of the blogs.
You're in good company for sure.
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