17 May 2020

Who is Mashiah?

the light of 24 Iyyar 5780

No, I don't know who Mashiah is yet. However, it looks like the Christians are at it again. Actually, they've been at it for nearly 2,000 years worldwide, plus a number of decades here in the Holy Land, working on Jewish perceptions of them and getting ready for the day that they will demand payment for all the "favors" they've done us Jews. Especially the religious ones, while not excluding the seculars.

But first, they want to get a Hebrew-speaking channel and a Hebrew-speaking set of programs burrowed into Israel so that Jews can absorb the "good" news of their Messiah from the comfort of their own home. No one has to violate social distancing — physically, at least.

A major communications company, HOT Cable, had already given them a license to do this; but when it was discovered that GOD TV had lied about their intentions, Israel's Ministry of Communications gave them notice that they may be in violation of a law against proselytizing, particularly to minors, and so I've heard there is going to be a hearing tomorrow (Tuesday, 19 May 2020) about whether they keep or lose it.

Fred Menachem clarifies in The Algemeiner in this opinion piece:

Israeli law clearly states that any person or organization that attempts to convert a minor faces six months in prison — and many minors’ families subscribe to HOT TV. Outside of the law, there’s the ethical component. Israel is the one country in the world where we can freely be Jewish and practice Judaism without any threat of persecution.

While there is no reason a Christian TV station can’t come into Israel and broadcast if they are solely focused on Christians in Israel, they have no right to come into a Jewish country and try to convert us. As Jews, we don’t attempt to convert Christians or anyone for that matter, and they should have the same respect for us.

Here's R' Tovia Singer explaining their advertisement in their own words. (h/t: Devash) For some reason, I can't embed it here, even though Devash could.

And here's the Israeli Cable TV Conduit to Christianity, which I also got from her. Thankfully, I could embed it here.

Fortunately for us, we have a number of former Christians who have converted to Judaism the honest way. Christians always say, "Search the Scriptures," but what they mean is "take the verses and chapters I give you out of context." We certainly don't demean our G-d-given Torah, Prophets and Writings that way.

Below is a link to an interview between Avi Abelow of Pulse of Israel and Shannon Nuszen, now a halachic Jewess, in which she explains how she used to try to get Jews to convert to Christianity and couldn't do it to save her life. The reason? You'll have to watch the video and find out!

Unfortunately, since I can't seem to embed it directly here, you must go there (G-dTV: Praying for Jews or Preying on Jews, Vimeo, 47.5 min). I apologize, but it's really worth the time.

Here's where Shannon sets 'em straight (transcription, light editing and emphasis mine - HDG):

“And even among the evangelicals…Pastor John Hagee can raise tremendous awareness, he can speak at AIPAC conventions, he can say things more powerful, and he can get away with saying things that no Jew could get away with saying, and he can rally support, he can have thousands march to Washington, he can advocate for legislation change in support of Israel. Those are awesome, amazing things that every evangelical can do, every Noahide can do. Those are ways that the Jewish People need help, that’s what Israel needs. That’s what a friend is, that’s what an advocate is. That’s the partnership that we need.

But coming here and establishing your missionary headquarters here, the proselytizing* part of that, that we have to set a boundary and say, “that, you can’t do.” That, we need to protect ourselves [from] because your rights and your religious freedoms to prey upon me infringe on my rights as a Jew to be living safely in my own country, in my own land, and not be targeted and preyed upon. It’s like coming into somebody’s home.”

Christians, your right to preach to the Israeli Jews (we understand that your attempt to spread your "gospel" to 9 million Israelis is intended for all of us here) does not mean that we must cave in to your agenda.

We know that Christians teach each other Hebrew, and even consult with Jews willing to teach them. That doesn't mean you become able to tell us how to speak, translate, and interpret our native tongue. You certainly do not have the skill to set up the communication filter for us, through which we are to understand our Tanakh (תנ"ך).

Like the Danish Bible Society, which took a lot of liberties with its latest edition of the Bible, for example. I didn't protest this, whether antisemitic or not: Omitting dozens of references to Israel in order to conform to current politically-correct sensibilities may be an indicator that Christianity is beginning to reveal its phony face. Will other countries' Bible societies follow suit? I'm watching.

And I would add, how dare you tell me how unworthy I am to live in the Land I live in because I don't accept your man-god! That's idolatry! And if I lived outside the Land of Israel, I would say that in these tumultuous times when I, among many thousands of Jews who realize that my place is there, you have no right to either stop us from going home OR give us money or other support to go there and then demand that we believe your way.

And now for my own. Understand well, my fellow Jew and fellow Israeli. GOD TV and others like them intend to come into your home any way they can, even through your computer and your television, in your language (how I wish I could write smoothly in it! I speak pretty well; but speaking and writing in Hebrew are really two separate things. But I digress.). They may be very nice on the outside and they can overwhelm you with everything you could want or need...but there are lines we have to draw, and insist that they don't cross.

Even if they really love the Jewish People and really care about you personally, the sparkling golden chalice they hold in their hand, so to speak, is filled with poison, taking our self-knowledge away from us; their aid, infantilizing, as though we can't do things for ourselves. Haven't we had enough of this?

The time to expect Messiah is indeed approaching, and it seems there will be competition among various "candidates," even on TV. Don't be fooled, cajoled or threatened.

Watch carefully. This could take a while.


HDG, Yerushalayim, E"Y Shlemah said...

Number: *69110 Hours: 8 am to 4 pm


Thanks to Devash - and thank G-d I don't have HOT CABLE!

HDG, Yerushalayim, E"Y Shlemah said...

CORRECTION: the phone number is *6910.