01 June 2020

The Beit haMiqdash & the Corona Connection, and Other Connections

9 Sivan 5780

I wrote shortly before Pessah concerning how to deal with fear, and why we weren't able to attend our batei knesset/synagogues/shuls, positing that it is because we have not focused on requesting the Beit haMiqdash, mostly because we have been intimidated into not doing so.

Between then and now, Menachem Gottlieb authored and led these three (3) video shiurim, collectively titled The Beit HaMikdash / Corona Connection (the third one is a link because I couldn't embed it, like the rest. This is becoming a recurring intermittent problem lately...), regarding requesting the Bayit, based on II Shmuel Chapter 24 and 1 Chronicles Chapter 22.

part 1

part 2

To ask questions or obtain source sheets, email Menachem: mengott at gmail dot com.


Other connections:

The Rabbinical Congress for Peace, comprised of over 400 leading Israeli rabbis, have completed their appraisal of the current plan to apply sovereignty over Jewish communities in the Land of Israel – proudly presented by Prime Minister Netanyahu as part of the “Deal of the Century.” In response, the Council has decided to embark upon a widespread public campaign to inform the Israeli public of the plan’s shortcomings and dangers. - For more, click or tap here.

Settler leaders have been meeting with right-wing lawmakers over the past week and presenting them with what they claim is a map of the Palestinian state envisioned by the Trump plan, which would encircle 15 Israeli communities in a manner they say is unacceptable.

The Yesha umbrella council of West Bank mayors passed a resolution earlier this month declaring that it would not accept the Trump plan’s green-lighting of Israeli annexation of parts of the West Bank if it meant agreeing to the other key part of the proposal — the establishment of a Palestinian state. For more, click or tap here.
So, choose wisely. Learn Avraham Avinu's lesson! This is the TRAP of the Century!


Tawfik Abu Shomer is a Gaza-based author and journalist who analyzes Israeli society. he has worked for the Palestinian Ministry of Information.

His most recent article [Arabic -HDG] describes the antisemitism that has accompanied the coronavirus, and other recent antisemitic incidents, as reported in Israeli media. He does not deny that there is serious Jew-hatred in the world today.

In the end, he urges the world to abandon antisemitism. But not because it is immoral. No, his reasons that people shouldn’t attack Jews are perfectly Palestinian... - For more, click or tap here.

The above is just a sample of the relevant news. The building of the Beit haMiqdash, sovereignty over our land, and wresting our land back from our enemies are all very important signposts on the path to geula. To regain our courage, we need to strengthen ourselves, and pray for the leader, the Go'el Tzedek (Righteous Redeemer) we've been expecting to help us get there!

Sanhedrin 20b says we need to appoint the king first, then annihilate the enemy, and only after that, build the Temple. The problem is, do we know where to begin taking the first step?

In the meantime, if you question why people today have been convinced that all the land around here belongs to the Arabs, and why it is really the other way around, in human-to-human terms...I highly recommend that we start with the book Battleground: Fact and Fantasy in Palestine by Samuel Katz (1973). I have the 2002 updated edition, which seems to be the latest one. Amazon | free PDF

And be prepared for the inevitable war, despite corona still being in our midst, whether we take sovereignty over one grain of sand or the whole of Yehuda and Shomron, and even Azza (which doesn't seem to be included in the Deal of the Century). I'm counting on the Arabs in our area preparing for it now, just as they did in the run-up to the 2nd intifada. And I'm advocating for taking the entire territory between the River and the Sea under our sovereignty, as Caroline Glick advocated in her book The Israeli Solution. Amazon | Goodreadsbuy PDF


HDG, Yerushalayim, E"Y Shlemah said...

Here's another article that summarizes the effect of Corona on the nations of the world and its connection with their relationships with the Jewish Nation: The God of Israel's Hand in Nature and History - published the same day as this one...

HDG, Yerushalayim, E"Y Shlemah said...

What official in the name of the USA mean, "If the settlers don't want what the administration currently has to offer, they shouldn't come to us in the future. The expectation was that they see the bigger picture."???

When did any settler go to the Americans?

And what is Saudi Arabia doing on Har haBayit? It seems to me that SA, Jordan and Turkey are plotting together, and this story from two sites is just a ruse to keep us off track and add more power to the muslims. We need to keep our heads up and not believe every word they say.