13 September 2020

A world guided by the Seven Noahide Laws...think about the contrast between that and what's going on today.

24 Elul 5780

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In my last post I suggested that Jews really must discuss Noahide law and its place in the world.

Here is an excellent article I just found that should be read everywhere: A World Guided by the Seven Noahide Laws by Rabbi Yirmeyahu Bindman. May it be a beginning we can turn our aspirations to even before Mashiah is revealed.

Here's a taste...

It is well known that the Jewish faith does not seek to make converts, and so it is generally supposed that since the Jewish people do not want to make other people into Jews, they are happy just to leave them alone. 

The world is often very surprised to discover that the Jewish faith includes a complete provision for all non-Jews — regardless of race, social class or national origin — perfectly attuned to their needs, and deriving from the same source in Divine revelation through the prophecy of Moses, without any intermediary whatsoever. Only the true universal faith of the Jews continually offers something to those who are not its members, and this is its sign of authenticity.

This provision is known as the Noahide Laws. Though Adam and Eve, the first man and his wife, were commanded to observe them, the Laws emerged fully only after Noah had survived the flood that wiped away violent sinners whose wrongdoings had engulfed the world in his time. The ancestors of the Jewish people were also commanded to observe the Laws until they were given the whole Torah at Mount Sinai; they were then reaffirmed through Moses for all the other nations.

Their wisdom has been recognized by non Jews in modern times. In 1991, the U.S. Congress enacted a law recognizing their universal truths, stating, “... these ethical values and principles have been the bedrock of society from the dawn of civilization, when they were known as the Seven Noahide Laws.”

Regarding the last paragraph above, I had no idea that the US had already taken a look at the Laws, well before they made same-gender marriage a law of the land...Hmmm.

I'll be preparing for the New Year this week, so if I don't write again before then, I'm wishing all my faithful readers a Shanah Tovah uMevarechet | שנה טובה ומברכת

despite all the illness and lockdowns, violence and basic lawlessness going on in the world around us today.


BUT BEFORE I GO...this includes people from ALL religions and nations. I am thinking now of the Arabs who supposedly want to make peace with Israel, starting with the United Arab Emirates and continuing with the nations "lining up" to make peace with us. One thing must be clear: ANY nation that wants to make peace with Israel must renounce any nation that continues to act belligerently with her — including the "Palestinians"! They cannot "have their cake and eat it too."

Otherwise, I will assume that these nations are playing fast and loose with us, faking the whole thing until they can make war on us. I expect, indeed, DEMAND, that any human being who considers him- and herself decent, whether Jew or non-Jew, do the same and act accordingly. 

No compromising on this issue from me: Despite what you have heard or read, we, the Jews of Israel, are the beleaguered ones here. We have come to our ancestral homeland. Every single one who calls us thieves is a thief himself and herself, and conspires with thieves to steal, not only our land, but our very lives as well. The very land itself bears witness, with fires burning it down coming from the palestinians from Gaza (which is ours, too, by the way, under their occupation — or that of Iran).

Almost a thousand years ago, our beloved sage Rabbi Shlomo Yitzhaki, known as Rashi, knew that we would be called thieves when we returned, and commented on it in Bereshith Alef (Genesis 1) of the Torah (the Holy Bible to the vast majority of those who have one — you will have to look that up in a Jewish version with commentaries; look for Rashi specifically. Or, you can look here.The print is rather small, but most will be able to enlarge it onscreen.).

The Arab League, in which most of these nations take part, was founded back in March 1945, before the end of WWII the following September. On 29 May 1964 the League created two Palestinian organizations: the first, the Palestinian National Council, which then gave birth to the second, the Palestinian Liberation Organization the following week (2 June) to replace Israel with a Palestinian state by "ending the occupation" (read: get rid of the Jews and their state). 

(That rabbit hole has an end: see the sad story of Jessica Krug. I hope she gets to do teshuva, please G-d. There may be more like her, who cancelled their real Jewish identities their whole lives in response to the Jew-hatred they experienced. But now I've gone off the deep end as far as this article is concerned.)

The League hopes that the Internet doesn't remember that their ultimate goal is to finish off the State of Israel. You'll have to "page down" 3 or 4 times to see this source. As of today they (David Bedein (Israel Behind the News) cites the UAE as an example here) have not denounced this strategy. 

UPDATE: I received David Bedein's interview with Avi Abelow of Pulse of Israel after posting my article. MUST WATCH.

We have to be ultra-careful and firm about our own interests when dealing with our "cousins" in the Middle East. Or else, G-d forbid, we may be accomplices in our own murder as a nation, G-d forbid!!! And that would not please Avraham Avinu very much, let alone Noach, and less Moshe Rabbenu, and much less the Creator who made them all, may they be blessed, without any aspect of curse.

Have a Good, Happy, Healthy and Blessed New Year 5781 | שנה ה'תשע"א טובה, שמחה, בריאה ומבורכת

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