03 September 2021

How do we know when Mashiah is here?

 26 Elul 5781 | כ"ו אלול ה"תשפ"א

Shabbat shalom u'shana tovah ! שבת שלום ושנה טובה | Ketivah weh'hatimah tovah ! כתיבה וחתימה טובה


Myrtle Rising has a recent post about the Unknowable Beginning...which might explain, or somehow otherwise blend in with, a concept in R' Mendel Kessin's video below. 

Scientists are Documenting the Keter d'Reisha d'Lo Ityada—Only They Don't Know It

Enjoy them both!

כתר דרישא דלא אתידע

(h/t SG for the videos)


May our government do teshuva or be replaced by one that will do G-d's will!

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