25 October 2022

Light Equals Infinity (אור שווה לאינסוף)

30 Tashri/Tishrei 5783 | ל' תשרי ה'תשפ"ג

A good and blessed month of Heshvan! | חודש חשון טוב ומבורך!

The original site where this pic was found is no longer, unfortunately. I called it "Geula Sunrise" because it's just peeking over the horizon.


Light Equals Infinity

 Compiled by Yacov Goldman and edited by HDG. 

(I regret that I couldn't edit the table better. Blogger wouldn't let me!)

According to Einstein's Special Theory of Relativity, as an object approaches the speed of light, the object's mass becomes infinite and so does the energy required to move it. That means it is impossible for any matter to achieve the speed of light.

 (Light itself does not have mass, whether one thinks of it as a wave or a particle. It is both, by the way.)

 Interestingly, this agrees completely with Jewish thought, since according to gematria, light equals infinity!

אור = 207 = אינסוף



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HDG, Yerushalayim, E"Y Shlemah said...

Please pray for Shimon Ma'atuf (Shim'on ben Gamla), the 75-year-old security guard who took axe blows to the head at the Independence Day ARAB attack that left 3 dead and several more injured (he suffered traumatic brain injury -- TBI -- and he is still alive, be"H.).

I added 5 more tehillim read to this page; we the people should complete at least one book for him, G-d help us!

In the merit of Micha'el ben Tonya, z"l, who just passed on Shabbat Hayyeh Sarah from what apparently was a fast-growing cancer since the High Holidays. My husband and I knew him personally, and know his family.

HDG, Yerushalayim, E"Y Shlemah said...

I'm not sure I put the correct link for the tehillim page above. It shows the underline when you pass your mouse over it, but doesn't go where it's supposed to. Try the one here.

HDG, Yerushalayim, E"Y Shlemah said...

Unfortunately, Shimon passed away today (? the article isn't so clear).

Sefaradim and Mizrahim pray the same way for our dead as we do for the living. So, if you are praying for him, continue to pray for his soul under the same name.

Unfortunately, the one book of Tehillim wasn't completed in time. Nevertheless, as his daughter Aviva said, every day he survived was a miracle.

Elad ax massacre:'That my father survived until now is a miracle'