01 June 2023


12 Sivan 5783 | י"ב סיון ה'תשפ"ג



NOTE: I signed, along with many others, a protest post similar to this one almost five years ago. In the last couple of years, even more egregious sins have been committed, this time openly by the government of Israel, as well as governments all over the world, as part of the attempt to form a world-wide "nation" under united governmental organs such as the United Nations and the World Economic Forum. This is as much of an update as I can muster, only from what I know as of today.

There is only one of these parades in Jerusalem today, as far as I know, but I am protesting the ongoing annual offensive parades. This is a demand that they never again occur HERE IN JERUSALEM. Anything to do with a large change in the world begins here, and even though I am late today, it is ongoing. And I hope they spread all over Israel, and all over the world.

87% of Jerusalemites DO NOT WANT THIS PARADE. Furthermore, 70% do not want to see municipal support for the parade, or pride flags hung here. WHERE ARE OUR RIGHTS!!!???

I hold that, along with individual sinners, these organs and others that are in lock-step with them will be held responsible for creating the angriest young generation ever in the history of the world, mostly comprising those young students who fell for the lie, coming from their teachers and other authorities in their lives, that gender is fluid, and who underwent physical "transition" to the other gender, either chemical, surgical, or both. They will learn, from their own bitter experience, that they made a mistake and may never be able to engage in any form of bodily union with another person. At the end of the process, they may even have become eunuchs, or their feminine equivalent. Here are some articles about how difficult the detransition can be, and the issues involved. | FULL SEARCH | Those who transitioned only socially recover the best. This isn't to say you can't recover, but depending on how far you went with it, it may not be so easy. And you might regret the changes that deprived you of your childhood unnecessarily.

A lot of things have changed in the last five years...it seems to me that the drive to make a lot of money for the medical profession by euphemizing hormonal and surgical gender change as "gender affirmation" is really the end of the road, the last step in trying to justify gay rights and cultural effects on society.

[NECESSARY DIGRESSION: The term "transition" is a euphemism for the emasculation and "efeminization"** of people who were born with masculine or feminine bodies and gender identity and who became somehow convinced that they needed to exchange their born gender for the opposite one. I have even heard that there are those unfortunates who are not told that they have a gender at all!]


While this definition applies only to males, the same fate will befall females as well. Taking the opposite gender's hormones and attempting to have the opposite gender's genitals will render both genders unable to reproduce, and unable to fulfill their roles in society.

The worst thing is that the educational systems participate in this atrocity, school principals and teachers alike. They even hide information from parents concerning their own children! 

It is still ongoing. At the end of a few years of this, will they try to take back what they've done, in shame and disgrace? Will they be able to restore what they took away from grammar school children?

I understand that lower-level governments are funding these children's transitioning process. I'm not holding my breath. If you, my reader, are one of these people, know that once the surgery happens, gender isn't as fluid as it has been made out to be. And even hormones may not be able to be reversed.

In America: Medicare | For the Rich: Home Equity Loans? | TAXPAYERS??? | Free for medical personnel... | FULL SEARCH

I hope this isn't happening in Israel. If so, please let me know in the comments. Many thanks in advance.


I, the undersigned Jewish blogger, hereby protest – in the strongest terms possible – the parading and glorification of an “alternative lifestyle” that is classified in the Holy Torah as an abomination, especially through the streets of the holy city of Jerusalem. 

The Torah demands that we live by a certain code of sexual morality, and as such, we are forbidden from certain relationships that a moral society cannot tolerate.  These include incest, adultery, bestiality, and homosexuality.  All these are considered grave sins in Judaism and incur the punishment of Karet, or excision from the Jewish people.  An act performed with witnesses during the time of the Sanhedrin would incur an even worse consequence – namely, capital punishment. 

And this is only on an individual level.  When the sin is committed on a societal level, it is much worse.  The Torah and our sages record how these acts were catalysts for both the Great Flood during Noah’s lifetime and the destruction of the Five Cities of the Plain.

As such, we consider any attempt to glorify acts that the Torah vehemently forbids by parading any such lifestyle through the streets with horror and utter disdain.  Such parades in New York and San Francisco would be bad enough, but through the streets of the Holy Land of Israel is a thousand-fold worse.  The Torah specifically warns us not to act in sexually abominable ways lest we be vomited out of the land.  One can only imagine how it is viewed in Heaven when people brazenly display to G-d how abominable one can be.  And if the Land of Israel cannot tolerate such acts of utter gall, all the more so in the holy city of Jerusalem, a city that is overwhelmingly religious. 

We in no way wish to minimize the struggles in temptation some may have in this area and view with positivity those who have such inclinations and bravely overcome them.  But those are not the people irreverently parading through the streets with rainbow flags, who show utter contempt for the Holy Torah and all we hold dear.

We therefore vehemently protest the “Pride” Parade in Jerusalem and everywhere else in the world where they may occur.  We hope and pray that those who take part in such parades do a complete Teshuva for their actions, and may we see a rebuilt Jerusalem, speedily in our days, Amen.
** "efeminization" in this article, beginning with a "long e,"  refers to the deprivation of feminine physical characteristics, personality and gender identity of a person born female. Otherwise, there is no such word, as there is for men! How ironic is that!?
I will post people's signatures who wish to join me as they arrive in the comments, be"H. 


DrBSD from Realidad Tora
Yaak from Yeranen Yaakov


yaak said...

As the author of that post 5 years ago, I join you again today.

Neshama said...

Wow, this is very courageous and admirable of you.
I also feel that it is a disgrace, an abomination, and just plane INSANE!
Why a whole month, let alone one day or one hour??
There are other more refined and worthy causes that need such advertising, especially the families of those murdered by our enemies.

HDG, Yerushalayim, E"Y Shlemah said...

Rav Yaak: Posted! I didn't want to call you out because I know you've been VERY busy, so I didn't mention it above. Obviously, we need to keep going. Thanks so much for being first to sign here.

Neshama: I don't feel very courageous, but thank you. And I agree with you: Too many Jews here are still being 'picked off'. Maybe we can deal with the less worthy causes, as you mentioned, when the important stuff is over and done with, that hasn't been dealt with properly since 1948 and 1967.

I feel for the children who are in the thrall of adults who should be looking out for their best interest, rather than being their victims. If we think dysfunctional, abusive parents are bad, the teachers and government agencies that put this evil forward are even worse!

Similar to Amram and Yocheved's separation, and thus with all the Jewish families in Mitzrayim: The killing of baby boys was bad, but the prevention of both genders being born by parents separating, or people not getting married, is even worse, as their young daughter Miriam said. But now it's worse because parents aren't even consulted in the "new normal."

Anonymous said...

Believe they are pushing this agenda as is happening in the US, because the state is trying to be a mini copy of what goes on there. What is going on with all the toeivah in our holy Yerushalayim is beyond forgiveness,
The new right wing gov should do all that is possible to outlaw this in our holy Yerushalayim.
The terror happening in Israel lately, you can be sure, is due to all the toeiva being pronoted. We already know that H' does not tolerate and forewarns us in our Torah exactly what will happen if we continue on this toeivah path.

HDG, Yerushalayim, E"Y Shlemah said...

Hi there, Anon.

If you have a nickname or other designation for yourself, I would be glad to post it as your signature protesting the parades...if you so desire.

Best, HDG

HDG, Yerushalayim, E"Y Shlemah said...

Now for one of the strangest outcomes of the gay pride movement: The biggest WASTE OF HOSPITAL BEDS and THE MONEY SPENT ON HOSPITALIZATION (of all things!) in a country that really can't afford either:

Beilinson’s Gay Pride Month Special: Male Couple Hospitalized in Maternity Ward while Surrogate Gives Birth

I hope people here will come to their senses. Please God!!!

h/t Neshama by personal correspondence

Anonymous said...

Anon @ 00.33 - that's me, moshe.

drbsd said...

I join the protest as other years.https://realidadtora.blogspot.com/2018/08/we-protest.html

Maoz said...

Hi Hava. I just discovered your blog. Wish I had discovered it somewhat earlier; I would have had my name added to the protest.

Are you familiar with Rav Chananya Weissman's blog? (ChananyaWeissman.com) He has a post -- number 154 in his section on The Redemption Process -- titled "Does Judaism Have a Mark of the Beast?". In it he references a chapter in Yechezkel wherein both the righteous and the wicked are marked. Originally the righteous were supposed to be marked for life. The prosecuting angel asked why they should get a pass,given that they didn't object to the abominations. HaShem replied that it is known to to Him that the wicked would not have heeded the rebuke. The prosecutor replied, "Ribono shel Olam, it was known to You; but was it known to them?!" HaShem agreed with the prosecutor's argument, and so those who were originally marked for life were instead marked for death, since they didn't object to the abominations.

Maoz said...

(sorry if this is double posted. My tablet went a little haywire right when I pressed "publish". Chok Murphy!)

HDG, Yerushalayim, E"Y Shlemah said...

Maoz, thank you for commenting!

I am familiar with R' Weissman's blog. In fact, I have a link to it under "Torah Sites of Interest" in the sidebar here. >>>

Here's a link to the Rav's post, Does Judaism Have a Mark of the Beast? for anyone who would like to read it directly.

Spoiler: The Tana"ch has two places referring to marks on people. "They" get everything from (H's revelation to) us!

HDG, Yerushalayim, E"Y Shlemah said...

Moshe, I'm sorry I didn't see your comment until today. I'm adding your name to the list of fellow protesters! Thank you!!!