26 Av 5783 | כו מנחם אב ה'תשפ"ג
*WARNING: This article features parts of, and links to, a satirical article originally written in Hebrew, with my commentary in English.*
The second picture has a woman in it, standing near men who are praying. Neither side is looking at the other.
I have a serious question here. Maybe you, or someone you know, think it is all right for human beings to have a female soul in a male body, or the opposite, a male soul in a female body. Would you also accept the following:
Groundbreaking Research: Children were born with a Jewish soul in a secular body (key parts translated by David Israel, The Jewish Express)
English Snippet:
Until recently, children born to secular parents were determined from birth to have a secular identity, but new research shows that sometimes the Jewish identity in a person’s soul is different from the one determined from birth according to the identity of an atheist or non-Jewish mother.
The research concludes that in a case where a person is born in a secular body with a soul that does not fit his body, he should be encouraged to live as a member of the religious group that matches his identity or go through a process of adjustment to his Jewish identity, because these children suffer twice: not only were they born to non-religious or non-Jewish families who cannot understand them or satisfy their most basic Jewish needs, they are also persecuted due to the widespread hatred toward Judaism.
The purpose of this document is to ensure that every child born with Jewish identity in Israel and throughout the world will have the freedom to live his life according to his own path.
Original Hebrew version by Gali Bat Horin גלי בת חורין (pseudonym of Dalit Laub-Sutter):
מחקר פורץ דרך: ילדים נולדו עם נפש יהודית בגוף חילוני
(Hebrew snippet) קטע עברית
עד לא מזמן ילדים שנולדו להורים חילונים נקבעו מלידה כבעלי זהות חילונית, אולם ממחקרים חדשים עולה שלעיתים הזהות היהודית שבנפשו של אדם שונה מזו שנקבעה מלידה על פי זהות אם אתאיסטית או שאינה יהודייה
מסקנת המחקר היא כי במקרה שבו נולד אדם בגוף חילוני עם נפש שאינה מתאימה לגופו, יש לעודד אותו לעבור לחיות כבן הקבוצה הדתית התואמת את זהותו או לעבור תהליך התאמה לזהותו היהודית, מפני שילדים אלו סובלים סבל כפול ומכופל: לא זו בלבד שנולדו למשפחות לא דתיות או לא יהודיות שאינן יכולות להבין לנפשם או לספק את צורכיהם היהודיים הבסיסיים ביותר, הם נרדפים גם בשל השנאה הרווחת כלפי היהדות
מטרתו של מסמך זה היא להבטיח שכל ילד שנולד עם זהות יהודית בישראל ובעולם כולו יזכה לחופש לחיות את חייו על פי דרכו
(I took off the periods that were meant to be placed at the ends of paragraphs here because they look so awkward when they appear in the wrong place! Another sign of prejudice against right-to-left printing, or just Hebrew? Or is it my computer, because it runs, language-wise, on an English-speaking foundation? — HDG)
One more pic from David Israel's article:
![]() |
This woman who protested the fact that Jews wore Tefillin in public must work on overcoming her Judeophobia (not "Judiphobia"...which Judi are you referring to? 😂). |
Fair is fair, right?
But seriously, I admit that I recognize the flaw in this article: It seems that we cannot carry around both sets of the ideas I presented here in our heads at the same time.
We must choose one.
I suspect that "Gali bat Horin" was thinking about this issue, too. And David Israel, after her. (Or, perhaps, before her. But he didn't write the original article and present it the way she did.)
At least the Jewish soul in the secular body doesn't require drastic physical changes (like the pressure to get hormone replacements and surgery, for example)...only working on understanding the soul, so that bringing it out so that it can live openly and breathe freely, which the person can do, as the Canadians say, themself, isn't such a problem.
Did you hear that, "Yehudit" and "Yehuda"? 😉
A happy Rosh Hodesh Elul ! ראש חודש אלול סמח
This article should not even have been brought up. We are now in an era where there is literally a war again the Creator. If G-D fearing Jews start to dance around the tiruf that is going on, it is not a good sign. This toevah problem is what will bring the world to the depths and havoc, chaos and confusion will get even more worse than it is now. This type of tiruf brought the great Mabul. Let it not lead us down that destructive path again.
First, a secular Jew is just a Jew who doesn't know better or got caught up with the behaviors of the nations and can always do teshuvah (it is not a soul defect). He/she can be a secular Jew and do much chesed. H' knows very well what He is doing, so all this business about 'souls' being placed in the wrong gouf is absurd. There are all kinds of deformities but those are external. This is part of the globalist plan to remake man so they can be called gods and have power of all of mankind, c'v. Let us not fall into their trap. leading to pure unadulterated toevoth & child abuse. As frum Jews we should have nothing to do with all the opinions of the outside world. We know what the Torah dictates and we know right from wrong. For over 5000 years, the world has abided by G-D's Rules for humanity at its basic level and now it's been uprooted (we need to remember it's all part of chevlai Moshiach). But to question if someone is born wrong and has to be fixed is sick. There are many problems in the world that many people, unfortunately, have and am sure there are those who in their hearts might feel at times it would have been better to have been born a zochor or a nekaiva instead of what he or she is and for whatever reasons, but it is never allowed for a Jew (any ben adam) to remanufacture himself).
It is so clear and obvious this is all part of their tochnit to depopulate, enslave and conquer humanity and for humanity to, c'v, forget there is a Creator who created us all. Some people, c'v, with physical defects, some with mental defects. There are some kabbalistic explanations of someone being born as a zochor but with the neshama of a past relative who was a woman, etc., etc., but this is not for us to interfere ourselves with. We should not dive into what is not our place because this is 100% part if the yetzer hara that is part of the reshaim's Plan.
We pray for Moshiach where everyone will one day be perfect, both the man and the woman and the world will know there is only Hashem.
This scheme is the greatest chilul H' thus far in their agenda. No matter what anyone thinks about all this, we, as G-D fearing Yehudim should try to bring Jews back to their roots and start teaching them some Torah and what Hashem Wants of us, so we will hasten the Geulah with Rachamim and not with catastrophe.
Didn’t you get my comment to the above??
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