08 September 2023

"Why Hasn't Mashiah Come Yet?"

 22 Elul 5783 | כ"ב אלול ה'תשפ"ג


That's a question I'm always wondering about, too. But now, an answer that makes sense has finally been revealed!

Because generations of people have been so focused on when Mashiah will come, for such a long time, that...

...well, you'll have to watch R' Anava's video below to find out! 

Here's a hint: God is the One who sends His servant, Mashiah, to redeem the Jews and the world. He can do it right now, any day now, or He can delay until R' Anava (and perhaps others like him) think He will come. And anytime in between.

Today is the first anniversary of when I was let in to that secret, during my Shacharit (morning) prayer, last year. 

As for the cruise ship in the video picture, the Rav affirms about it; he will really be there. I am not going (I wish I could!), so if there is any chance someone who reads this blog goes, please let me know how it went for you!

Happy Jewish New Year 5784   !   שנה טובה ה'תשפ"ד


HDG, Yerushalayim, E"Y Shlemah said...

I can't hold out: R' Anava wants us to focus on HQB"H, rather than on Mashiah. (OK, so you'll have to listen for it. I can't do everything, especially right before Shabbat here in Israel!)

At this time I realize that what I've been experiencing is really TESHUVA FROM LOVE.

HDG, Yerushalayim, E"Y Shlemah said...

A big part of focusing on G-d is taking what He wants seriously. We have both the personal level and national level to deal with, here in Israel.

Our government here is clearly not interested in what He wants on the national level, so now we have Xians trying to steal Judea and Samaria (and possibly what we already fully accept as "Israel") from the Jewish People. To wit:

From Neshama:

Biblical Highway 60? WHAT IS GOING ON HERE??

Judea and Samaria are Being Stolen From History, From Israel, From the Jews

It's not for nothing that we are, and have been, forbidden to take down churches and mosques here. HaShem wants to show their religious adherents who's Boss, and it's possibly why we have not been allowed to interfere. If earthquakes, perhaps led off by the one starting in Morocco, have any further application in the Middle East, He will want to do this Himself, to indicate to them that HE is the one whose will MUST BE DONE.

"Thy will be done on Earth..." Sound/look familiar?

From Rivka Levy:

More quakes on the way