04 September 2024

The rejected song, October Rain: some thoughts

Rosh Hodesh Elul 5784 | ר"ח אלול ה'תשפ"ד
A good and blessed month | חודש טוב ומבורך

Blogger's note: I am making an unusual request: Before looking at the video, readers might want to listen to the song first: Scroll down to the video and start playing it, and immediately scroll back up here, before you get very far into the video. After you hear it, you can think about the question I am asking below, and then watch the video and see if that makes a difference in how you think of the song.

And, of course, read the rest of the post. 😉

I estimated the amount of space it might take to allow for that, and it might not be useful for everyone. I apologize for that in advance. -HDG


After finally hearing this song and choosing to blog about it, I have a question...


Does anyone believe that the song's raison d'être will be so obvious five years from the event we know now? Especially if it is unaccompanied by a video?

I think that if it had been perceived as standing for anything else other than the tragedy suffered by Jews in Israel on October 7, 2023 at the hands of enemies who want all Jews dead, and that a Jewess from Israel was going to sing it, it would have been accepted with open arms. 

(You'll notice that someone else is singing it, someone quite unexpected. I got it from HERE.)

Others did suffer as well, but no one seems to remember that, either.

The anniversary is coming up next month. What do you think?

I have not lost my hope and prayer that the ultimate good will come. But we will need to embrace it when it comes, rather than expecting more of the same old, same old thing we've been living with for the past 75+ years.

Have a good Hebrew month of Elul. May my readers merit to be inscribed and sealed in the Book of Life for a good year...and more, in Tishrei 5785.


More reading: 

Push to annex parts of Gaza to penalize Hamas, resurrect settlements | Biden negotiating Gaza deal not with Netanyahu, but with Qatar and Egypt | As US government & media squeeze of Netanyahu gets crazy tight, one NYT pundit gets it right | IDF Chief of Ground Forces resigns | Hamas has proven that they are Nazis. You don't negotiate with Nazis... | Shmuel Sackett: And now what? | Myrtle Rising: Why it's good for Am Yisrael to dwell alone, plus more |


More viewing:

Hostages murdered by Hamas, and the reaction of Israel's Left | "Settlers steal furniture from Ibrahimi Mosque! Shocking video!" | It's Elul — Time for [Sefaradi/Mizrahi] Selichot! H/t Tomer Devorah | Read-and-watch (could this be an acronym: RAW?): Hillel Neuer on Newsmax: The most spot-on comment ever made about the UN | Hillel Fuld (brother of Ari Fuld, HY"D): he was invited to hear about the Farhud...and speak about what the world doesn't want us to know. HE & EN with subtitles. H/t: Israel Video Network. | The wake-up process of Jews in Israel despite continued tragedy | Does being anti-Israel mean you're antisemitic? Find the answer HERE. | RAW: The most incriminating video ever made about UNRWA | The history of the Jewish rights to Israel reveals the secret behind the media's bias |

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