27 June 2018

3, 2, 1...Thirtysix.org Charidy Campaign is Live!

15 Tammuz 5778

Sorry I'm somewhat late, but there's still time to participate. I am privileged to receive emails in advance of events like this from the Rav. This campaign began yesterday, the 26th of June, and ends Erev Shabbat the 29th.

From R' Pinchas Winston...

"I started writing books back in 1985. It was just my way of sharing information that I believed everyone had to know in order to live a more fulfilling life. The introduction of the Internet made that even easier, and by 1993 I was writing an essay on the weekly Torah portion, sending it to people around the world via Project Genesis, now Torah.org.

"The more I learned, the more I felt a need to share what I was learning, especially when it came to ideas that I knew many might never see, but should. This became an imperative for me when a lot of that knowledge had something to say about our particular period of time, Jewish history in general, and redemption specifically.

"By 2004, I had started by own non-profit organization, Thirtysix.org. Kabbalistically, the number alludes to the “Hidden Light of Creation,” the basis of all Torah knowledge. It was chosen with the hope of Thirtysix.org being a vehicle to share the depth, beauty, and wisdom of Torah learning with every person I am able to reach, which over the years has amounted to tens of thousands. There have been essays, books, videos, podcasts, etc., and judging by the feedback, they have positively impacted the lives of many.

Now I’d like to intensify and expand that impact. This is why Charidy.com has agreed to help me run this 72-hour, $72,000 campaign. Your support makes you a partner in my work, and together we can have an amazing impact on the future of the Jewish people."

 Click here to contribute! Thanks to their generous matchers, our donations are worth TWICE AS MUCH!

...and may R' Winston reach the goal and more, be"H! Here's to Geulah b'Rachamim!

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