30 January 2020

Turkey collaborates with Palestinians to take land from Israel? And is the US helping them?

4 Shevat 5780

I started writing this article last month, and things have only gotten worse (and better) since then.

This news should have broken wide open in October 2005, when Haaretz published this article by Danny Rubinstein (for once, not behind a paywall, as far as I can tell). That is when he first reported (according to Google) that Turkey sent the Ottoman Empire archives to the Palestinian Authority so that they could examine them for lands they want to take back from Israel. Most of these are in Jerusalem, Judea and Samaria.

People who knew back in 2005, after the Gush Katif expulsion of Jews, must have forgot about it (or did they keep it a secret?). Well, now it's back, and I hope we're taking it seriously. Not that we should consider going back to the lands we were exiled to; but that we should fight for our land and our lives!

It's possible that we can win by argument - after all, King David bought the land around the Temple Mount/Har haBayit with money; Avraham Avinu bought the Double Cave in Hevron (Ma'erat haMachpela) to bury his wife Sarah, with 400 PURE SILVER shekels; and one more that I don't remember (and Google doesn't help. They keep saying the Arabs owned it first!) Kever Yosef (Joseph's Tomb - see comments below, thank you Dan G!), all of which are recorded in the Tana"kh/Jewish Bible. This precedent was set by the Jews before we became "the Jews"!

The Ottoman archives should be considered prima facie evidence of the Ottoman occupation of the Holy Land, as far as I understand the term (maybe there's a better one?). Yes. I said OCCUPATION of Jewish Holy Land! We don't know from which Jew each piece of this land was bought with money, as those who set the precedent did, and not by violence -- rape, pillage, murder of civilians and only G-d knows what else!

They certainly didn't think they had to conquer the land from any Jewish army. There was none. The land was almost deserted because of the dispersion by the Romans some 1500 years prior, and while there have always been Jews here and there in the Land, how well do you really think they could have defended themselves from the Muslims who claim it now?

But they are clever. They knew that without any Jews here, they couldn't survive here either. So, they made harsh rules, but they had to let some Jews stay, even if they were a minuscule minority in 1516 CE.

And now they plan on trying to hand over the land from their previous occupation to the current occupiers, the Palestinians!

The rest of us have heard about all this through the good auspices of Israel Hayom and Israel National News (Arutz 7), who published these articles on Tuesday, 1 January 2020. Apparently they got their information here, most likely from the primary source and not from a web page, like I did here.

Now that the subject has been brought up again, I've been expecting this story to be taken up by all the Israeli media, and then by the world's media. Certainly, it will go very well with the news of all the attacks on Jews and Israelis around the world, saying, JEW, GET OUT.

Commenters in the US have been asking two pertinent questions: If we're supposed to get out of the US, then why are these same people who are telling us to get out saying that Israel is not our real homeland? And where should we go?

I hate to be harsh, but you have been living in the exile, plush as it may be, or not. Wake up. The nations aren't exactly giving you options. The plan is to kill every single Jew on the planet, so an attempt was made to brainwash us to believe that we have no land to call our own, so that you who are still out there will oppose those who resisted the brainwash (that's me and all my fellow Israeli Jews), and thus have no place to go when they kick us out of all their countries.

I'm not saying that every Israeli Jew isn't brainwashed. A lot of the leadership seems to be, judging by the way that, when the nations demand us to jump, their only response seems to be: "How high?"

BUT, if you don't believe in G-d and the Jewish Destiny, you have no other options. If you do, then join us here for the fight for our lives and for our Land. Now is the time. With His help, we will win.

Do you remember when the Israeli seer Nir ben Artzi said in May 2016, during the US election campaign season: "Remember: G-d will choose the president that only loves the Jews in Israel."? Translated here (but please, no emails there, as the blogger passed away went to Shamayim nearly two years ago!). Here's the blog search for Nir ben Artzi's comments on aliyah at The Absolute Truth. I'm curious to find out how you find them in retrospect.

The Ta'ir Neri site, where NbA's divrei Torah originate, now has an English translator. Here's his Parashath Bo' 5780 translation. According to this, we've come much further than we were four years ago.

Back to 2016 for a paragraph: Heads should have been going up by the millions. Some of those who were, are here now. I hope that my readers from lands far flung from here will now follow as best they can.

In the meantime, when the Palestinians come knocking on the doors of the High Court, seeking to take back lands that have deeds from the 1500s, we need to be prepared with hard questions. Like these:

  • Whose land was it before it was that of the person named on the deed?
  • How much did the previous owner get paid for the land?
  • If it wasn't a proper purchase, what was it?
  • and more???
I suspect that most of the answers, upon proper investigation, to be: No evidence of previous owner, no payment, and a takeover of some kind. In other words, REAL OCCUPATION. For 400-plus years, right up until 1948 and even until the present day (which would make it over 500 years).

I'm counting on the whole truth to be revealed, once and for all time. Jewish traitors will also be revealed where these were, or are, a factor.

@Shurat haDin, are you ready for this one???

Is this hishtadluth (human effort) enough to attract Mashiah Goel Yisrael???


And, in the meantime, is it possible that the Arabs and their spear point, the Palestinians, recognize who their real enemy is???

And, the US has come out openly to "compassionately" divide our land. Here's a report:

"US Ambassador David Friedman told reporters that before Israel decides to apply sovereignty over the Jewish communities in Judea and Samaria the Trump administration wanted to form a committee with Israel to discuss the issue, but stressed that it could not be said how long this would take.

"It's a process that requires effort, accuracy and calibration and you have to make sure that the annexation matches the map in our plan," said Friedman.

"We will look at the Israeli proposal and examine it and make sure it is in line with our plan. We will set up the committee as soon as possible and work on it immediately and try to end quickly but I do not know how long it will take," the ambassador added."

I don't think HaShem cares how "compassionate" it is. The Creator of the Universe says NO DIVISION OF ISRAEL -- and that's final!

I'm beginning to think that it's not so much whether the local Arabs/"Palestinians" will accept the deal, but what the Israeli Jews are beginning to do in response, even with no answer from "the other side." G-d forbid — we make room that we don't have, and then they'll come to kill us again — G-d forbid!!!

Thank you so much, DJT and Jared Kushner. How the "mighty" will fall because of you! 

And the Jews will get Geulah Shlemah, be"H!!!

20 January 2020

Israeli Leaders, be warned! "One shot will disrupt the ceremony..."

23 Tevet 5780

The media has been warning us recently of threats made by "Palestinian" leadership, first published as an opinion piece in the Palestinian Authority's Al-Hayat Al-Jadida daily. Jerusalem Post | Palestinian Media Watch

The money quote is:

“One shot will disrupt the ceremony and one dead body will cancel the ceremony”

Just in case you thought it was lost on us ordinary citizens, we see that high-stakes murder has been threatened here in our fair city, King David's Capital.

Tomorrow is the 75th anniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz, and its commemoration is being held later this week here in Jerusalem. Yad vaShem

 I have a message for all Israeli politicians, rabbis, police, media and others who support Israel's current political system:

If you let any kind of "incident" happen because "the system" -- you know, the one that allows Arabs to go around freely in Jewish areas while we Jews get big red signs warning us to stay out of Arab areas due to danger to our lives -- "forces" you to hold back on our security, remember that March 2nd is coming whether or not there is an election on that day.

As you should, every day, whether world leaders are here or not. Need I add that it is your job to make sure Jews can live in safety here? Any failure sends us a huge negative message.

We Israeli Jews are watching how you handle this international event. Everyone else in the world may be watching as well, but we are the only people who matter (aside from HaQadosh Baruch Hu), should the election occur, when it comes to whether you keep your jobs, or whether you get to greet Mashiah "at the end of the day" as part of the transition of governance. It is by no means the only criterion, but it is a big one.

Thankfully, Yad vaShem has not published a detailed event program. Apparently, the world leaders have been invited to the World Holocaust Forum on Friday the 24th as well. Jewish Press

I, along with my fellow Yerushalmim and others who live and/or work in Greater Jerusalem, won't have freedom of movement as usual for the next few days. Those of us in Israel who have internet and who watch the news will have plenty of time to keep an eye on you. We're not going anywhere.

Transit arrangements in English: Municipality of Jerusalem Languages available onsite are Hebrew, English, Arabic, French and Russian. All others use Google Translate (at your own risk). | Hat tip: Devash

07 January 2020

Pharaoh – The Original Anti-Semite!

10 Tevet 5780 | Fast over the Siege of the Holy Temple in Yerushalayim

Roberts' Siege & Destruction of Yerushalayim

by Rabbi Ephraim Sprecher | I believe I'm the first one to publish this article! Also, see comments below in the text (that is, not in the comments section; although, they are welcome.). - HDG

There has been a rash of anti-Semitic attacks throughout Europe and the U.S.A. accompanied by vicious anti-Semitic tweets. But where did it all begin? The Torah states in Shemot 1:6-8 “Yosef died and all his brothers and that entire generation...And a new King arose over Egypt, who did not know of Yosef.”

My Rebbe, Rav Pam, often discussed the question of how Pharaoh and the Egyptian people, who were very respectful and cordial to Yaakov and his family suddenly became murderous anti-Semites so soon after Yosef’s death. How could the great accomplishments of Yosef as the Viceroy of Egypt, rescuing Egypt from a devastating famine, be so rapidly forgotten? How did the Egyptians become the cruel murdering taskmasters enslaving millions of Jews and drowning their infants in the Nile River?

The Beis Halevi explains that when Yosef and his brothers died, the new generation of Jews felt that the best way for them to survive and thrive in Egypt was to blend into Egyptian society so that they would not stand out for being “different.” Thus, the Jews first disregarded Brit Milah, which marks a physical differentiation between Jew and non‑Jew.

When G‑d saw this, “He turned the hearts of the Egyptians to hate His Nation, and to plot against His servants.” (Tehillim 105:25) There arose a deadly, furious reaction from the Egyptians to the attempts by the Jews to assimilate in Egypt and become as one nation with them. This, says Beis Halevi, was the way G‑d forced the matter in order to fulfill the concept of, “I (G‑d) have separated you from all the nations to be Mine.” (Vayikra 20:26) This is also what G‑d meant when He told Ezekiel “As for what enters your minds – it shall not be! As for what you say, ‘We will be like all the nations, like the families of the Earth’…as I live - I, G‑d swear I will rule over you with a strong hand and with outpoured wrath and fury.” (Ezekiel 20:32-33)

My Rebbe Rav Pam always stressed that we see time and again that when Jews attempt to assimilate to the non-Jewish society around them, a vicious and violent backlash occurs, with tragic repercussions. The roots of the Egyptian exile serve as the prototype of all future exiles, and it is only our separation from the gentiles that assures our survival as a People.

The Abarbanel states that this is the way that G‑d assures the eternity of the Jewish People, by forcibly keeping us separate from the gentiles. As soon as we try to assimilate and adopt gentile customs and behavior, there is an vicious and violent Anti-Semitic reaction.

This is what the evil Bilam means “A Nation that MUST dwell in solitude and never to be reckoned among the other nations of the world.” (Bamidbar 23:9)

The saga of Jewish life in Egypt was only the first in a 3300 year chain of gentile reaction to Jewish failure to uphold our separate and unique Jewish identity.


 A Reader's Comment:

From Shmayah, 6 January 2020

K'vod HaRav Sprecher, shalom u'vracha

Kol hakavod and yashar kochacha to you on your article
just received and read "Pharoah - The original Anti-Semite".

I have been saying this ever since I can remember.
Hashem sends Amalek in order to maintain us as a People.
It is actually a bracha, and I think you once said that in the past at a shiur on video.

What is disturbing is that too many of our people keep repeating the same mistakes of assimilation over and over again. It is sheer stupidity, and asking for trouble, asking for Amalek, asking for anti-semitism. A wise man once said that those who don't learn from history are doomed to repeat it.

You put together a marvelous article, it is a gem. Your article needs to be disseminated WIDELY. Keep up the great work !

With great respect and admiration,

Most Sincerely,


 I also have a comment. Most people who write about this subject somehow forget to bring up the place the Land of Israel holds for us. We have a much better chance of survival today, as a People and as individuals, if we insist on having our Land and fight for her!

If we neglect this important step, Jewish people will not have a place to live in the near future. Think about it: If the nations drive us out from among them AND insist that we are merely "occupying" and "colonializing" the land the country of Israel sits on, thus taking it upon themselves to drive us out of here and letting the Arabs take it over, they give us no place to go

Those of us who are older remember: Even when there wasn't Israel in the past, until the Holocaust, there was always someplace we could go. No longer. This can mean only one thing: ELIMINATION OF THE JEWISH PEOPLE FROM OFF THE PLANET. That is: MURDER BY GENOCIDE.

We are now living the very definition of the "time of Jacob's trouble"  (Jeremiah 30: 5-7) - nowhere to run, nowhere to hide in a small world.



We need to trust in the Almighty G-d and look to Him for salvation - that means that we must act as though we are in the right, and Israel is our home. The nations will certainly be judged for the evil they have been doing, and it won't be long now!

Wake UP, people, and COME HOME!!!

That includes you, too, Laura Loomer! (Here's her video warning us of trouble to come - she was banned on social media long before our troubles became noticed, and has been slandered and libeled all over the place. Interview with Avi Abelow.)