13 Shevat 5781
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When it comes to COVID-19, we all need to put our relationship with G-d first and foremost. Tefillah & hitbodedut, teshuvah, & tzedakah are all year round, not just in Tishrei and not just because we may not be one of those who is praying with, or in, a minyan right now. Next comes the hishtadlut, the doing part, which is this article's focus.
Some recent developments on safe and effective treatments for COVID-19 have not made the news in any "safe and effective" way. Meaning, people who don't know about them will not be able to avail themselves or their loved ones of them, in time for safety and effectiveness, in time of need (may it not be needed).
There may be more than what I found for this article, but I couldn't find them on the internet as of this writing. I hope to get some of it out there today. Both medical personnel and potential patients need to know!
I'm still one of the latter. Only potentially, thank G-d! And I AM NOT A DOCTOR. None of what I've written here is meant to be taken as medical advice, only food for thought. Thank you in advance for reading!
Dr. Vladimir Zev Zelenko now has a PEER-REVIEWED paper about his protocol.
His protocol, both for treatment and prophylaxis, updated and including many alternatives, including nutritional supplements, to the basic medications of the protocol, can be found in many languages here.
It was rejected at the beginning of the coronavirus crisis in early 2020 because the people who found it wanting did one thing wrong (actually 3 things wrong in one) in their scientific pursuit of an answer:
They failed to REPLICATE the experiment.
— er, protocol (which includes the methodology — how it was done, where, materials used, etc.); performed their own study in hospital, disregarding positive results using the key components of an early-treatment, outpatient-based methodology; and assigned blame for the bad results on Dr. Zelenko all over worldwide media.
An explanation of the role of replication in research follows.
Replicating an experiment is an integral part of research projects.
...In discussing these terms, it is important to distinguish between research projects and research programs. Projects refers to singular research efforts, such as individual experiments or a set of experiments, that are designed to answer a specific hypothesis and that are funded by a research grant or reported in a journal article. Programs, on the other hand, refers to a much larger constellation of research funded by an institute or performed by an investigator over a period of time. Replication is an integral part of research projects; duplication and complementarity are related to both projects and programs. The committee employed the following definitions for replication, duplication, and complementarity:
Replication represents the deliberate or conscious repetition of research efforts, intended to confirm or extend previously or simultaneously obtained, but still uncertain, findings.
Duplication represents inadvertent, unconscious, or, more rarely, deliberate repetition of research efforts, thus not serving a need to confirm or otherwise verify conclusions from previous research undertakings.
Complementarity represents efforts involving independent approaches or overall strategies to confirm, overturn, or extend particular research findings.
(emphases mine, including font size alterations and bolding - HDG)
A young mother in my neighborhood started a Change.org petition to
demand that Israeli doctors be allowed to prescribe the ZELENKO
PROTOCOL right after a COVID-19 diagnosis.
PLEASE SIGN and PASS ALONG if you care about having more COVID-19 treatment options!!!
And, those who can effectively translate it to Hebrew, Yiddish, Amharic, Russian, Arabic, French, Spanish and other languages Israelis speak, please do. It just isn't right that English-speaking Israelis be the only ones to benefit!
(And, I don't want to risk getting this part wrong in the languages I think I could do myself in my enthusiasm to get the message out.)
Other nations can, and should, use tools like this to demand better treatments for their people. The "vaccine or lockdown" choice paradigm is unacceptable!
Other options for consideration, both outpatient and hospital-based: A-7: Has a drug been found for coronavirus? | Under development: Milwaukee Journal Sentinel: International team of scientists identifies new treatment for COVID-19 that appears to be far more effective than drugs in use now | Math+ Protocol and Translations |
In the interest of balance, here's Australia's hydroxychloroquine prescription rules for COVID-19.
It should be noted that Dr. Zelenko emphasized low-dose hydroxychloroquine (which means there must be at least one high-dose version) and added alternatives on the page linked to above in order to address some of the issues expressed there.
Thank you, Devorah.
Food for thought: The Hill: Why home treatment of COVID-19 with several drugs is crucial, by Peter A. McCullough, MD, MPH
I have a question for current and future researchers:
If we use these, and other treatments we find along the way, effectively after diagnosis, will there be antibodies in the blood, and will the immune system components our bodies possess be able to identify the virus and its variants and deal with them?
Right now, it seems only G-d knows. Can we bring this down to earth, please?
Thank you Rachel. That says it all. I'm making it clickable!!!
After 440,000 Americans are Dead – Facebook and American Journal of Medicine Admit Their Stand on HCQ was Wrong — These People Should be Prosecuted!
PAY ATTENTION ISRAEL !!!!! שימו לב ישראל
IMPORTANT NEWS~~~Baruch haShem!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I just found out through my participation in the petition linked to in the body of the article that none other than The American Journal of Medicine had already posted a paper in favor of the ZELENKO PROTOCOL in AUGUST 2020 as part of a list of valid outpatient treatment options for COVID-19.
Pathophysiological Basis and Rationale for Early Outpatient Treatment of SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) Infection
The information contained in this paper is especially important for those who cannot take the vaccine(s); but it is important for all Israelis (and people in the world!) to know. The petition is SO important to participate in or, if you're from a different country, duplicated, because EVERYONE needs a full set of options to deal with this virus and its mutations. If you haven't already signed, please take the time to do that now.
Thank you!
Also, the USA has had a petition going for a while. Go to Stop Medical Discrimination to participate.
The Stop Medical Discrimination petition linked above can be signed by anyone from any country, as well as the one in their own country. I just signed it.
Israelis can sign both the Israeli one and this one.
We need to make it clear that "VACCINE PASSPORTS" SHOULD NOT BE ALLOWED. Complete choices for disease treatment should be allowed.
Poor COVID-19 is discriminated against! No other disease has had a "vaccine passport" required for someone who hasn't had the vaccine.
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